Chapter 26

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Katy's P.O.V.

We walked into the restaurant that Shannon said they were currently in, she wanted me to come because apparently Heather was not listening to her nor eating anything that she's supposed to.

When we got in and found the table they were sitting at, my eyes widened. Wow, Shannon really wasn't joking when she said that Heather looked tired. Heather looked exhausted, I don't know how she has the energy to still argue with Shannon.

"Heather!" I yelled, getting her attention along with some other peoples', setting off a chain reaction of screaming. "Heather why is your bowl still full, you need to eat when you're sick!" I said, sitting down next to her.

"Seriously, you made mom come here?" She said to Shannon, who just smirked and walked away, "John, leave please, things are gonna get ugly if she doesn't start eating soon." I said, eyes never leaving Heather's cold ones, like I could care.

John laughed before giving me a quick kiss and whispering, "Alright babe, don't do anything too dramatic." Once he and Shan left, I grabbed a fork and got a forkful of noodles before shoving it into her mouth and covering it with my hand, I may not be the best mother, but I will damn make sure she eats healthy.

She of course started protesting, but I just kept my hand there and my other hand holding her down. Once she forcibly swallowed it, I repeated the action until the noodles were halfway gone.

"Now are you going to be a good girl and eat the rest by yourself or are we going to continue this in a different and more painful way?" I said, handing her some chopsticks. She groaned and started eating, "Now is that so hard, sweetheart."

"I told you I'm fine, yet you come in here and make a huge scene and now there is like soup everywhere." She continued mumbling but I just smiled, not bad Katy, you finally made your daughter do something that will benefit her.

Once she was done eating, I threw away the plastic bowl and cleaned up the table. I know that there are people who do this stuff, but I felt bad since my 14 year old daughter made QUITE the mess.

I signed a few autographs on the way out before finally reaching John and Shan, who were waiting outside. "I'm pretty impressed Katy, if I had known you were that good I would have called you ages ago." Shannon laughed, elbowing me in the ribs.

"Well, a mother sometimes has to stop being the best friend and be the strict mother to get things done." I joked as Heather just rolled her eyes, "And since my daughter cooperated so well, how about I treat her to a bubble tea?" Her eyes immediately lit up as she ran to the nearest boba shop, my goodness.

"I just don't understand young people and their boba tea addiction, for me it's just coffee, which Tamra can no longer ban me from since I'm no longer on tour in about a month or so." I laughed as I paid for Heather's drink.

John appeared next to me with a Starbucks in his hand, my heart literally melted at this sight. "Aww baby you're so sweet to me." I smiled as I gave him a kiss, he just smiled at me. "Aww and you think that this is for you." He winked before bringing it to his mouth and taking a long drink.

My jaw dropped as the people around us started laughing, "Oooh mommmm....." Heather said laughing, "Okay, I see how it is, okay..." I said pretending to cry, "Honey, your pretend crying is given away by your occasional looking up at me." He laughed.

"I would never do this to you, which is why I got you this." He said, bringing out his other hand to reveal another cup of Starbucks. How did I not see that his other arm was behind his back the entire time??

"Aww see I was right about you, you'd never be so mean to me!" I said, quickly grabbing the cup and taking a sip. "Hashtag when you buy your wife a cup of Starbucks, she'll forget all about you, hashtag never buying her coffee ever again." He said, pretending to type on his imaginary phone.

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