Chapter 30

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Heather's P.O.V.

Once I was finished with the pizza that mom ordered, that woman only ordered me an extra small pizza with olives and asparagus on it, the two things I hate the most on pizza. I guess I'm taking this too far, but I have to admit that this little game I'm playing is quite fun.

I almost screamed when they suddenly appeared in front of me, it's like they have magic. "How was your pizza?" Mom said, with a devil grin. I just groaned, "Mom goodness, it's not my fault that your cooking is so bad, I can't like everything you do. I love you and all but that doesn't mean I have to agree with every action of yours, okay?" I said, annoyed.

"You even admitted that your cooking isn't good, that you can't even boil water to the whole world, yet why are you literally forcing me to keep your food that's half raw half burnt?" I tried to get up from the couch but mom just shoved me back into it.

"Because you are the biggest mistake I've ever made." My jaw dropped, and she gasped a little. Tears started forming in my eyes as she quickly wrapped her arms around my shaking body, "I should have never left you, and been so selfish is what I meant by that." She said gently.

But I was already crying, "I just want that mother daughter bond, sweetheart, I know I was never there for you but it's never too late to start. This insanely busy schedule that your dad and I have, I'm sorry you had to go through so much because of us. But now that the three of us together, I just want to try and be a normal family again, which is why I wanted you to eat my cooked food, but I promise I won't force you to do anything you don't want to again, okay?" She said, wiping away my tears.

I nodded and buried my face into her chest, something I did whenever I wanted some maternal love, and I think that by this point, she picked that up. "I love you so much, sweetheart, I want to try and be as normal as I can, I promise you that." She said quietly.

Katy's P.O.V.

I smiled at John as I continued holding my daughter, I can't believe how big she's gotten, I remember as if it was just yesterday that she was still a little baby that I held in my arms.

However, our moment was quickly ended when the door opened and something very hard hit me in the shoulder, causing me to grunt and fall onto the ground. How many times am I gonna get shot like this?

I felt hands on me as I was helped up, okay it didn't hurt like last time when Shannon shot me in the stomach back when we were in Montana, but it still hurt. Heather quickly ran off the couch and towards the door, "John, what the hell was that?" I said as he laid me down on the couch.

"One of Heather's friends." He said while laughing, "Who the hell greets friends like that?" I groaned as an unfamiliar face appeared next to Heather's, "I can't believe I just shot Katy Perry with a nerf gun." How does a nerf dart hurt so much?

"It's fine darling, it's not everyday that you get to do that, right?" I joked, thankfully the pain was slowly fading away. "My name is Holly, I'm best friends with Heather, we're H&H." I raised an eyebrow, "Like H&H bagels?"

They started laughing before Heather dragged her away, "So much for being a normal mom, still will never be normal enough. I might just post some signs saying, no nerf guns or cannon toys allowed anywhere near Katy Perry." I said as John planted a kiss on my forehead.

"Forehead, really hubby?" I laughed as he kissed my cheek, I felt like a freaking teenager. "Kiss me properly, Mayer." I snapped, I hate it when he teases me like this. His hands slowly started trailing up and down my curves, I arched my back up a little and let out a moan of pleasure.

"Kiss me you idiot." I said as he finally kissed me on my lips, it felt like forever since we've kissed. I can never get enough of this man, I am so glad that I took that risk by saying yes, the one thing I will never regret in my lifetime.

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