Chapter 38

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Heather's P.O.V.

After smacking my alarm clock, I decided to ignore it and continue sleeping. This is what I normally do, which is exactly why I set the alarm to go off 30 minutes before when I actually need to wake up, ridiculous, I know. But I also know that I'm not the only one who does that.

"WAKE UPPPP!!!!!" I heard someone scream, definitely not my parents, they never do that. I let out a scream when I suddenly fell off my bed, I looked up to see Holly laughing. "How the hell did you get in here?" I asked as my door burst open.

"Oh it's just Holly." Mom breathed before walking over and helping me up, "Let me guess, she wouldn't wake up?" She joked as Holly laughed, "So um...what do you girls have planned today?" Mom asked, does she not know that I'm sorta still pissed her at?

"Well I don't know, we're thinking about going boy shopping." Dad raised an eyebrow at her, "There are so many fish out there, you never know when you might bump into the one." She said before hopping towards me, "Now get dressed, we have to get going!"

"Okay give me a moment, like, all of you, I need privacy to change!" I said, shooing all of them out. Hmm, if we are going boy shopping, I better wear something super cute.

After digging in my closet, I finally was able to put on a black flowy dress that reached my knees, a pair of black heels and some simple makeup. I quickly let my curly hair down, it was no longer curly after I got it straightened a while back, and it is still auburn colored.

I grabbed my purse and walked as quickly as someone in heels could walk down the stairs, "Holly, I'm ready." I yelled as her head popped into view from the kitchen. "Wow you look so gorgeous, now come on, let's go!" She squealed before grabbing my hand and heading towards the door.

Just before I fully exited the house, I caught a glimpse at mom, she had a very sad expression written on her face, and she was just standing there. I guess it's because I haven't said a word to her all morning, but she deserves this.

At first I was just pretending to be mad at her, but now I actually am quite pissed off at her. After everything we went through, she couldn't wait a few more years to have a baby, people have babies in their late thirties all the time, what part of this does she not understand?

As I was continuing to think, I saw Holly pull out her phone when she was still biking. "Um Holly, I don't think it's such a good idea to be texting while biking." I said, but she just waved me off and continued looking at her phone.

My eyes widened when she started headed for a tree, "HOLLY!!!" I screamed, suddenly biking as fast as I could to try and catch up to her, but before I could, she crashed into a tree at around 20 mph of biking speed.

I jumped off of my bike and ran to her, she was currently unconscious. "Holly, if you don't open your eyes in the next five seconds I'm going to call 911!" I cried, I tried slapping her face, but that didn't work, so I quickly pulled out my phone and called 911.

About two minutes later, an ambulance appeared next to us. One of the nurses grabbed me and when I started trying to bite her, she just held on to me tighter. Her excuse was that I was going to be blocking the nurses from working on Holly, but whatever.

Once she was loaded into the ambulance, she let go of me and I climbed in next to her. "Oh my she going to be okay?" I asked the nurse, who had settled an oxygen mask onto her face and began CPR.

"She seems okay, shouldn't be too much damage since she was wearing a helmet, don't worry about anything okay?" He replied back as I nodded, this is absolutely the worst way to start my day.

Once we arrived at the hospital and I was forcibly restrained from going into the room with Holly, I started pacing back and forth in the waiting room. After a few more minutes of pacing, I heard what seemed like mom's voice, okay, maybe I really am paranoid now.

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