Chapter 35

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Author's note: Thank you guys so much for 1K reads!! And also, sorry for the long wait, but I'm back now and ready to update, hope you enjoy!

Katy's P.O.V.

I slowly put my purse down and looked at him, his expression hasn't changed, I mean, his cold expression. Okay, if he thinks that I cheated on him, that's not true. "John?" I finally managed to ask. "Are you okay?" I continued.

"No Katheryn, the better question and the one that I should be asking, is are YOU okay?" I narrowed my eyes, "What, obviously I'm fine as I am standing perfectly fine right in front of you." I said, his little game is getting annoying.

He slowly walked towards me, for some weird reason, I wanted to backup, but I didn't. "Katy, why did you tell me the truth about what happened to your whole food poisoning thing." His eyes were tearing up, what is he talking...oh. How is it possible that he found out?

"DAMN IT KATY!!! You could have been KILLED!!!" He suddenly yelled, full voice, scaring the crap out of me. "You were held at GUNPOINT!!!" He yelled through gritted teeth, wow he's pissed off, like really pissed off pissed off.

He took a sharp breath and calmed down a bit before turning to face me again, " could have been killed." He said softly before taking me in his arms, I have never been this speechless before.

"Why didn't you tell me?" He began crying into my shoulder, "I didn't think it was necessary to tell you, you were under enough stress, I didn't want you to be under more." I said as he shoved me against the front door, an 'umph' escaping my mouth.

He was breathing so hard right now like a freaking bull about to charge, his eyes were bloodshot and there were tears coming down his cheeks. "He held you at gunpoint, but he loved you, he didn't want to kill you, which is why he used food poisoning, enough to make you suffer but not to kill you. So that's why he forced the salad down your throat, to make it look like food poisoning when he..." I turned his face away from mine.

"Kate...did he touch you?" He asked, "No John, you basically described everything that happened, how did you find out?" I asked so quietly I couldn't even hear my own voice, "I had a gut feeling something was wrong based on your actions, so I pulled up the security footage." He said blankly before looking back at me.

"A man who can't even protect his own wife, is no man at all." He spat angrily, I immediately grabbed both sides of his face and focused his eyes on mine. "It was not your fault, you were doing performing, how could you have known, and John, don't you ever say that about yourself ever again." I spoke.

"My wife was held at gunpoint because I insisted to go to Bangladesh to perform that stupid concert, and because of that, I might have lost my wife, yeah Katy, nothing wrong with that at all." He said sarcastically.

"Well as you can clearly see, John, I'm fine, just please, put the past behind us okay? We are far from danger now, nothing's going to happen." I said, placing my hands on his chest. Something that always seems to calm him down.

He shut his eyes and grabbed my waist, "Fine, but I'm not going on tour, I cancelled it the moment I found out about this. You gave me so many chances, Katy, to make myself a better person, but I screwed up and I'm still screwing up. I'm not gonna screw up this time again."

"You cancelled your tour??" I said, almost yelling. "Do you know how many people are going to be disappointed because of that?" He just shook his head, "Nothing, and I mean it, nothing is more important than your safety and Heather's. I want us to just be a normal family for once, I will go on tour once I feel like everything is in place, which at the earliest won't be until next year."

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