Chapter 4

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Katy's P.O.V.

I've been so busy all day long I haven't had time to feel guilty about just leaving Heather in the morning, the Prismatic World Tour explains it all in the name, a freaking world tour my butt.

I am currently getting my hair dyed a shade of brown on the tips, I hope that one day Heather and I will be able to do something like this. But just the fact that she came and slept with me last night means that I'll be getting my wish a lot sooner than I thought I would.

"Alright honey, here you go." John said, handing me a paper bag, whatever was inside smelled like heaven. "Is it already time for dinner?" I asked, looking at my phone, holy crap it's already 6:00 pm. "Yeah, you better eat up, Shannon just texted me and told me that she and Heather will be here within half an hour, depending on traffic."

I just nodded and started eating, he got me Chinese food! "Did you already eat?" I asked him, "Um no, I was also going to get some food there as well but I was afraid you might not have enough time to eat, so I'll just go look for something in the back." He said, getting up to go.

Aww, that's so sweet of him, once again, putting me before himself. "Wait John, you got me way too much anyways, and plus, I have to get more makeup and hair down so I won't have that much time, we can just share."

"Kate are you sure, I mean, you are about to perform for a whole two hours." He said, "Yeah, I can't go up there with a big belly anyways." I joked, he finally gave in after another argument. The things we argue about, people could laugh to death.

Just then, the door flung open and a very tired and out of breath Heather came running into backstage, startling all of us. I immediately put down my food and got up, "Heather, what happened to you?" I asked, as she leaned onto me for support, poor girl was out of breath.

"Where's Shannon?" I asked, "The stupid taxi got stuck in traffic and we weren't going to make it, so I um, got out of the car and started running towards the arena, I have a 6 minute mile, Shannon obviously doesn't, so I have no clue where she is."

"Heather!" I scolded, "You do not get out of a car in the middle of a highway!" I yelled, but John just laughed and held me aside. "Calm down babe, I'll go search for her. Finish your food." He gave me a quick kiss before running out, "Well on the bright side mom, I got you some stuff."

"We are not done with this conversation, how could you just leave? You could have gotten hit by a car!" I yelled, "I know, I almost did." But her eyes widened, okay, now I'm just furious. I leaped out of my chair and was about to attack her when everyone, literally everyone in my crew got up to hold me down.

"Calm down momma bear, I'm sure Heather learned her lesson right, to not get out of a car in the middle of a highway." Tamra snickered, causing me to just growl at her.

The doors opened again to reveal John carrying what looks like a very worn out Shannon, I got up and walked towards them. "Shannon, are you okay?" I laughed as John tried setting her down, but she didn't budge. "That daughter of yours is so much work, she has like a one minute mile, she jumped out of a car and I had to chase after her!" She wailed like a baby.

I laughed and patted her cheek, "Where did you find her?" I asked John, who didn't seem tired at all, probably because Shannon literally weighs nothing. "Well, I found her almost passed out next to a bus stop, so...I did her a favor and carried her here, now please will you get down." He said, causing me to laugh again, oh how much I love these two.

Shannon groaned and finally agreed, "Now Katy if you don't mind, we have to continue with the show, you have ten minutes before it starts!" Bradford said, beginning to clip on my gear.

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