Chapter 50

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Katy's P.O.V.

As I finished taking my bath, I threw on some undergarments and my fluffy pink robe and slippers. It's been such a long time since I've been able to just wear something so comfortable and not bother about my looks.

I flopped down onto the bed and turned on the TV, hmm, Jimmy Fallon again. After watching him for awhile, I heard a small knock on the door. That has to be Margaret, no way would John come up here knowing how stubborn he is.

I sighed as I got up and opened the door, my guesses were correct. "Katy darling, is it just me or is there something going on between you and my son?" She asked once I closed the door.

I just forced a small smile, "Katy, honey you know you can tell me anything, if you don't tell me, I might not be able to help." She said, holding my hands. "Margaret I'm not sure you can help me with this problem, he has every right to be pissed off at me." I said sadly.

"Well now don't say that, you know how John is sometimes, he just needs a smack in the head." She said causing me to laugh a bit, I really love this woman so much. So I let my tears fall freely as I told her about how I cheated on John, the reason I did that, and me following him all the way to Montana.

She reacted different than I expected, she started hugging me and stroking my hair as I cried onto her shoulder. "Why are you being so nice, I cheated on your son, you should be mad at me." I sobbed as she continued to rub my back.

"Because I understand the pain we women go through, Katy. I know that John has cheated on you so many times when you were still dating, but you've forgiven him every single time. I'm not saying that cheating on your spouse is okay at all, I'm saying that there needs to be more understanding. He doesn't feel the pain you've gone through, the pain of giving birth, being pregnant, waiting for him to turn around..."

I didn't know what to say, I honestly was speechless at that point. I just continued holding onto her as I continued crying my heart out. I wanted to be alone, but with her being here with me right now, I felt complete.

Cedric's P.O.V.

"Shannon please cook something, I'm starving." I said, while continuing to play my video games. I heard a grunt before she unplugged the TV, "Hey!" I yelled, "Make your own damn food for once." She snapped before storming back into the kitchen.

"What is wrong with you?" I asked, she's never acted like this before. "Well let's see, your mother and father are having problems with their relationship, and here you are, just playing video games and bossing me around when it should be the other way around, so yeah, nothing is wrong with me at all." She said sarcastically.

"Oh, okay then." I joked back before walking out of the kitchen, three, two, one. "CEDRIC GET YOUR ASS BACK IN HERE!" I smiled before walking back to her, "Make dinner, I don't care what the hell you make, just make something, I don't want you to starve to death under my watch."

"Now I'm going to call your mom and see how things are going." She said before pulling out her phone and putting it on speaker:

K: What do you want, Woodward?

S: Well lovely to hear your alive voice as well, just checking in, are things getting better?

K: Well when I almost drowned in his pool at least he dived in to save me, and didn't just let me die.


K: Yeah, I was so pissed off that I was becoming light-headed, coincidentally I was standing right next to the pool, so I fell right in. I didn't have the energy at that point to swim, so I just allowed myself to sink.

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