Chapter 2

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Heather's P.O.V.

R: Hey, sorry for replying so late, was filming a music video.

H: It's no problem, completely understood, don't worry about it.

R: Great! So I heard you and Sofia went shopping, how'd that go?

H: Well it was really tiring, but you just made it go away so...

R: Aww, hey, I have to go, but I promise I will call you asap okay?

H: Alright, see you later.

He's not that famous right now, but every star has to start someplace right? No matter who he is, Riley Walters will always be my boyfriend, I will always love him no matter what.

Just then, Sofia walked in, "Your director called and apparently you guys are going to be having a team dinner, to get you guys all together before the big performance."

"Sofia I don't want to go, I have so much stuff I need to do, like literally, and plus, I want to visit Riley on set, he's been so busy lately we haven't even seen each other for like a month now."

"For goodness sakes I'm not letting you choose boys over a potential career, now get dressed and meet me downstairs in ten minutes or else..." She threatened before snatching my phone out of my hands and walking out, causing my jaw to drop to the floor.

"Ugh Sofia!!" I yelled before slumping onto my bed, but eventually got back up to get dressed. I love dancing and everything, but it is taking over my life! Once I finished dressing, I ran downstairs.

"Sofia is in the garage, better hurry up kiddo." Tim chuckled, causing me to grown, "Ballet is killing me!!" I screamed. When I was in the garage, Sofia was already backing the car out of the garage. "SOFIA seriously!!" I screamed, running after the car, she just smiled and waved her hand at me before taking off.

Oh no she didn't, she is not serious, oh for...ugh whatever. I took off running after the car, thankfully I know where the freaking restaurant is otherwise this would not have been as good.

Thankfully once again I have an amazing mile time, and that the restaurant wasn't that far away from my house. Once I finally reached it, I took a deep breath and reminded myself to get mad at Sofia later, but for now, I put on a fake smile and walked into the diner.

3 hours later...

There was a small knock on my door, I know it was Sofia, probably to apologize, but lucky for her, I'm in a good mood, so I let her in. "Look Sofia, I'm not mad okay, which is actually quite surprising, so it's fine." I said, not looking up from my phone.

But my phone soon slipped out of my hands and into hers, "Actually honey, I'm not here to talk to you about that, although thanks to me, you got exercise in, but that's not the point." I sat up straighter in my bed, curious as to why she's so nervous.

"Your dad called earlier today." I tensed up, since when did he call, or care about me? "Heather, before you say or feel anything, don't, okay? Look, I know that your mom and dad may not have been there for you when you were a kid, or even now, but that doesn't make them terrible parents. I know that because we are best friends, you know that sweetheart. Your mom is dying, Heather, she is suffering and in pain."

This caused me to bolt straight up, I mean, I don't exactly like mom, but she's dying?? Now that's a different level of emotions. "She's dying??" Why are there tears in my eyes ugh, I've trained myself to not feel anything towards her the past few years.

"No sweetie, not that type of physical dying. Dying as in she's in mental pain, knowing that you don't like her." I sighed and fell back onto my bed, "You could have been clearer so I wouldn't have had a heart attack!"

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