Chapter 61

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Katy's P.O.V.

"John, do you think that Heather heard about Sofia?" I asked as we ran inside the hospital where Sofia was staying, I can't believe that this happened to her, and that we somehow just found out.

"She's up there in Heaven, I'm sure that they are the first ones to find out." John replied, grabbing my hand and running quicker, "Do you think that she might try and come back down?" I asked once we got her room number and were in the elevator.

"I hope she does, I really miss our daughter. But honey you should be prepared, what she told us that day when we found her soul in the Jungle of Souls, she doesn't want to come back. Even if she does, it will be because of Sofia." He said sadly as I nodded.

All I've ever wanted was just a normal family, but I'm not a normal person, I'm a celebrity. No matter how normal we say we are, we can never truly be normal. I mean, which normal person makes hundreds of millions of dollars each year? That's not normal at all.

I just wanted a husband who loves me, and children who can be by my side so I can watch them grow up into the beautiful people that they are, but I can't anymore because I screwed up big time. And I will never have my dream come true anymore.

Once we were inside Sofia's room, tears began forming in my eyes. "Sofia..." I whispered softly, sitting down on her bed. "You're only 54 years old, you can't die right now, we will absolutely lose it, but the person who will be the most affect is Heather, you have to continue living, for her. You love her, and she loves you." I said, choking on my own words, but if this is what it's going to take to revive her, then so be it.

"She's like your own daughter, the girl that you raised, can you really leave her?" I asked, "You have to be strong, pull through." I said softly, "You are my best friend, I cannot lose another person in my life again." I said before gently hugging her, I really can't lose her, I just can't.

Cleo's P.O.V.

"Your highnesses." Ryan's servant said from outside of the door, "Speak." Ryan said, "Heather has requested to see the two of you in the portal building." Ryan looked at me, but I couldn't do anything, "Tell her we'll be right there." He said as the servant bowed before leaving us.

"You have to hold it together, there are some things that just cannot be revealed right now, we have to wait for the right time to tell her." I nodded, I remember that moment I found out that I was pregnant with her. How scared I was, because I wasn't even married to Ryan.

This child, could cause havoc to his career and to Heaven itself. But as a mother, I couldn't just kill my child by having an abortion. So I left down to Earth and put a spell onto a guy that I found to be okay, quickly married him, and said that this was his child before I started showing.

All to protect Ryan. Then after having this kid, I knew I had to leave, so I did. The story I told Heather was a lie, but also partly true I guess. I wanted Heather to have caring parents, and I knew that Katy Perry and John Mayer at that point, since I could read future careers, knew that they would be able to give her a good life.

Even though they were only 15 years old, it didn't matter at that point. So after giving birth to Heather and just holding onto her for a month, waiting for Katy and John to have intercourse, and the moment that they did, I cast a spell onto my baby girl, and sent her into Katy's womb.

Ryan eventually found out, because he noticed I seemed so much paler, and that I had gone through quite something because of my lack of smiles and greetings towards him. He questioned me, but I would not open up to him until the day that Katy left Heather.

I lost it, I thought I could trust her with my flesh and blood, but she just left Heather for her own career. That night I remember Ryan coming into my chambers and just holding me as I cried, still refusing to tell him why.

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