Chapter 62

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Cleo's P.O.V.

Ryan, me, and a few other Gods have been standing here for the past eight hours watching them do everything they can to revive Sofia, and it's definitely been working, but they still can't promise that she'll pull through.

The servants have told me about Heather's tantrums and requests to see me, apparently when she threatened that she'll bite them she wasn't kidding with that threat, she actually did.

But we all ignored her because she's literally acting like a child right now, I know that I am the strict kind of mom, but I'm also very protecting and loving towards my kid, I just never got the chance to prove it.

I just want to hold Heather right now and tell her everything is going to be okay, but I have no idea what I would be saying. "Cleo you need to sit down and get some rest." Ryan said, finally walking towards me.

"No, that woman's life is directly linked with whether or not I get to continue seeing my daughter, I'm not doing anything until she's stable." I said, he let out a sigh before saying, "Joseph, get her highness to sit down otherwise you're fired." My eyes widened, why does he always do this.

I raised my hand before he could say anything, "Is this the best you can do Ryan?? Threaten to fire innocent people just because I won't obey you, you may be the most powerful God in Heaven, but that doesn't mean I have to listen to every single thing you say 24/7!" I yelled.

All the frustration I've been holding in has finally been let out, and it feels great. I let out a huge huff of air before walking towards the medics, probably leaving Ryan in confusion.

"How is everything going, is she going to make it?" I asked for probably the fifth time within this minute. "Your highness we are doing everything we can, she's stable right now but we need to continue monitoring her." The chief said.

"Well do more! It's been 8 hours and you've only just stabilized her, what the heck??" I screamed, but I was suddenly pulled back. "Notify me if there is any change, understood?" Ryan said to Joseph, who nodded as Ryan grabbed my hand and dragged me to his chambers.

"Cleo, you need to calm down, you screaming in their faces every five seconds if not going to help, that is not what someone in your rank should be doing. You need to remain calm no matter what is going on around you." He yelled.

"Heather is my baby, MY BABY! She calls someone else mom, had the worst life possible, and died at such a young age because of the terrible life I put her in, how do you think I'm supposed to feel? How can I calm down when it's dealing with my own child!" I yelled back.

"None of them have ever seen you yell, that is so un you like! How can you just forget who you are and just yell like a commoner out there?" I clenched my fists as I shoved him against a wall, "You're not my boss, nor my husband, you have no right to tell me what to you, if you're not going to stand up for your kid, then let her mother." I said before letting go and walking away.

I shut my eyes and took a deep breath, I've never been this angry before, not even during the war with Hell. "I am worried about her, I just can't show it in front of others otherwise they will realize that she is my daughter."

"I'd rather ruin my reputation and have my daughter right this moment, when we sent her down to Earth, you could have spent more time with me, but you basically threw me away as if I were garbage. Only until recent weeks, why did you suddenly open up to me?" I hissed.

"Because you and Heather were getting too close and I sensed that something was wrong, that she might return, and that you would go insane again because of her, I had to do something to prevent that!" He yelled.

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