Chapter 60

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Heather's P.O.V.

"Honestly I am okay, nothing happened down there." I said a bit frustrated, the Goddesses have been throwing questions at me nonstop for the past three hours after I was released by Eva.

"Obviously you're not okay mentally, you may have been cleared by Eva but that was physically. You were attacked by the guy that you broke up with, who stalked you again and now just attacked you!" Cosette yelled.

"Nothing happened! Yes we fought a little but it wasn't anything I couldn't handle!" I said, watching Cleo bury her face into her hands. Before I could say anything, something popped up onto the shell, silencing everyone.

Cedric's P.O.V.

"You mean I basically committed suicide because of a girl?" I said, "And then both my parents almost died and I almost lost my sister?" I yelled to the woman that was explaining to me why I can't remember anything.

"You need to calm down, there are a lot of things in this world that seem unbelievable, and this is one of them, but you gotta believe it." She said, "Why would I, I don't even know you, why should I trust you?"

"Because there is no one else in this world who understands why you can't remember anything, the Gods up there sent you back to Earth to mend a portion of that hole in your mother's heart. She was going to die if the Gods didn't do something, she went through way too much pain because of you and Heather's death."

"Who are you supposed to be anyways?" I asked, "I'm Amanda, one of her highness Cleo's assistants. And no, I'm not joking." She said seriously, "Why the heck would you come down here just to tell me this?"

"Because I don't want you to be so confused anymore, and plus, don't you want to know the truth about why you can't remember anything?" She asked, "Yeah well obviously Cleo didn't want me to remember anything because she took away all of my memories, wait, does Cleo even know that you're doing this?" I asked.

"No she doesn't, but knowing her, she'll find out pretty soon so I don't have much time left." I took a deep breath, "Listen, I don't want you to get into trouble, but I really am fine just the way I am, please just leave me alone okay?" I said, getting up.

"I..." She said getting up to follow me when she suddenly fell to the ground and a bubble formed around her. I looked up to see a really beautiful woman who looked pretty pissed, "Your highness I am so sorry, I just didn't want him to be so confused anymore." Amanda said, getting onto her knees.

Without saying another, Cleo waved her hand and all of a sudden, I fell to the ground, meeting the darkness.

Heather's P.O.V.

"Cleo please calm down!" I yelled as me and a few other Gods tried to calm her down, I've seen her angry before but I've never seen her this mad before, it's frightening even me.

"I WIPED HIS MEMORY CLEAN FOR A REASON, DO YOU KNOW HOW MUCH HARM HE'S DONE TO THE MAYER FAMILY???? HUN?? THAT'S RIGHT, YOU DON'T, BECAUSE YOU ARE SO STUPID!!!" Her whole face was turning red and I was afraid that she might pass out.

"CLEO!!" I screamed, still somehow not getting her attention, how is this possible, she normally always listens to me. She continued screaming at Amanda, until Ryan stepped forward and made Amanda disappear.

"Cleo." He said, putting his hands on her shoulders, oddly calming her down. No way, Ryan and Cleo?? "You need to calm down, what Amanda did is not okay but you overreacting like this is also very un goddess like and not okay as well. Go back to your chamber and get some rest, I will deal with Amanda."

She let out a huge groan before obeying him and disappearing, what the heck just happened. There are like thirty of us here and we've been calming her down for the past hour yet he just comes in here and calms her down with one freaking sentence.

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