Chapter 43

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Heather's P.O.V.

Just as I felt like I was about to pass out, I felt myself float into the air, meeting someone's hands just a few seconds later. I heard a few faint voices before I regained full consciousness and awareness of my surroundings.

"She hasn't even been down there for five minutes and she's almost dead again, how are we supposed to trust her with a top secret mission??" I heard a voice yell, sounded like a man's voice.

"This wasn't her fault, there were about 1000 people down there, so many almost died and you're blaming this one girl?" Came Cleo's protective voice, "Yeah, what makes her so special? You went to save her first instead of anyone else!"

"There are so many people down there, of course I had to save someone, she just happened to be the closest one to me!" She said, wow, that hurt. "Cleo, don't forget that I'm the God of emotions, I can read you so clearly right now. Stop acting like her mother, you're a Goddess for crying out loud."

"I'm not acting like anyone, they almost died down there and you're here yelling at me, for what reason?" She hissed, I can't take much more of this drama. Why do Gods always have to argue with each other, it never ends. Siblings don't even argue this much.

I opened my eyes and I saw Cleo rush to me, "I am so sorry, I knew I should have never sent you to that lab, you could have died!" She said all in one breath as she helped me up, "I'm fine, your highness, thank you for caring." I said sweetly.

"Take your oxygen mask, and don't come out until you figure something out." He said before throwing me the mask and glaring at me, wow, someone sure pissed him off. "Yes, of course." I said, bowing slightly before turning to Cleo. "Um, is there anyway you can send me back to the lab, I can't really fly." I smiled.

"Jack here is not the boss, you will be staying here tonight. I have evacuated the lab until all the gas is taken care of, which definitely won't be tonight. Floor 87 is where the guest floor is." She handed me a small bag, "It's full of flying dust, just a pinch will last you a while."

"Thank you so much, your highness." I said before sprinkling some onto myself and flying up to level 87, banging my head at least five times on the way up. I walked into the first guest room that I saw, and wow, even the guest rooms are huge.

Just like Cleo said, all my stuff was in the room waiting for me. I noticed the computer and I typed in my password to be able to track mom and dad's progress in the Jungle.

I pulled up the security camera of them, wow they looked terrible. They are only on question 5, well since I did set the questions to be about one and a half miles away from each other, that would explain why they look so tired and messy. I sighed as I typed in a few things into the computer.

A backpack that had unlimited water with a straw that you could pin onto the side, a bathroom with a shower in just five more minutes of walking, and some new clothes for them. I may have a ton of grudges against them, but the fact that they haven't rested at all sort of warms my heart.

I then stepped into the portal to create a hologram of myself where mom and dad are at. The moment I appeared in front of them, they stopped walking and mom started crying. We Heaven people of course have emotions, but I am not crying in front of them anymore.

"Heather, is that you?" Dad asked, holding onto mom as she began falling towards Earth. I shot a wave of light and created a little mattress that caught her as she fell fully onto the ground.

"To your right you will see a bathroom that I created, I know you guys haven't rested since the beginning, and you must be so tired. So there's a bathroom with a shower, some new clothes. Next to the bathroom you will see a little room that has backpacks with unlimited water, some food, granola bars and some more dried food to carry in your backpacks. But don't worry, I won't let you guys suffer on your way to me." I said.

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