Chapter 53

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Heather's P.O.V.

Once I arrived at my house, I slammed the door shut and let out a scream as I grabbed my hair and messed it up, all the clips falling onto the ground. I then took off my heels and threw them onto my bookshelf, causing a few books to fall down.

"Heather!" Came Cleo's voice, I stopped destroying my house and turned to face her, still breathing heavily. "What?" I snapped, I know she's one of the most powerful Gods and I should definitely not be speaking to her like that, but at this particular moment, I didn't really care.

"Ruining your things isn't going to make you feel better, because later you're just going to have to clean them up." She spoke softly, "Where is Riley?" I asked, looking down at the ground.

"Don't worry about him, I promise that he will never come near you again." I nodded, I'm pretty sure that even if I did press further, she wouldn't tell me what she did to him, or where she's keeping him.

"Thank you, for everything you've done for me ever since I came here. You've protected me almost as if I was your own daughter." I said before hugging her, I may not have my mom here, but she's probably the closest thing I have to a mother up here.

"I can't watch you get bullied or hurt, sit down sweetie, there's something I need to tell you." She said as we sat down on my couch, "So many years ago, hundreds of years ago, I was just like you. An ordinary human down on Earth, just living my life. I fell in love, had a daughter, and everything was going so perfect until one day, my daughter disappeared. Once I found out that she was eventually murdered, I completely lost it. I'm not like your mom, your mom kept it in herself, she didn't really show the pain she was going through on her exterior, but I was just the opposite."

I watched as tears formed in her eyes, but they wouldn't fall out. "After about a month, I found the woman who had abducted and murdered my child, but before I could even lay a single hand on her, one of Heaven's most powerful Gods stopped me. They told me that getting revenge isn't the answer, it'll only send me into more trouble."

"He told me that I could see my daughter in Heaven, and that I didn't have to die due to my situation. So I agreed, I left my husband and went up into Heaven. There was a catch though, I could never return to Earth. So for my husband's good, I filed for a divorce, it wouldn't be fair for him since he would never see his wife again."

"Once that was finished, I began training to become one of the 12 main Gods of Heaven, I passed all the exams, and here I am now. Seeing you, even your looks are so similar to her, your personality as well, is so similar to Phoenix. It's like she never died in the first place."

"Is she still up here?" I asked, "Yes, but I promised myself that I would never see her again, and that she would never see me." She said sadly, "But why, don't you want to see your daughter?" I asked as she stood up.

"Of course I do, but everytime I see her, I see me, and how I failed her. I couldn't protect her, and plus, she has her own life up here now, she doesn't need me anymore. She in fact lives very far away from here, almost at the edge of Heaven."

Just then, my door burst open. "What the heck!" I yelled as Drew ran into my house, Drew is another good friend of mine up here. "Oh my goodness your highness." He said, stopping completely and bowing before her.

"You may stand up." She said with a queenly voice, wow, when she's talking to me she uses a mother voice, so different. Then Cleo turned back to me, "I will leave now, if you need anything, you know where to find me." She said before disappearing.

Katy's P.O.V.

I smiled as I stepped out of the limo, being sure to hold onto my dress so I wouldn't trip. It's been such a while since I've been on a red carpet, the crew of Snow's fiery (that movie I was filming) is promoting the movie and premiere.

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