Chapter 28

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Heather's P.O.V.

I just continued sobbing and sobbing, mom's entire shirt was soaking wet, but like she promised, she never let go of me, her or dad. I suddenly felt so loved, it's so rare that I have both my parent's attention, and that may have been a slight reason as to why I'm crying so hard.

I know that they love me and everything, it's just that they're so busy all the time that we barely have any time to spend together. I just want us to be like a regular and normal family, but some dreams will never come true.

"Sweetie, do you want some tissues?" Mom asked gently while rubbing my back, I just shook my head. My crying sounds finally became a little softer, and now they were more like whimpers. I think I maxed out my tears and energy.

"Heather, I won't push you to tell me what's going on, but just know that both your dad and I are here for you, if you ever need to talk or anything, okay? I shouldn't have reacted like that earlier tonight, I should have asked first instead of overreacting, I was just so relieved that you are safe."

I nodded and finally stopped crying, I felt so numb right now, but a good numb. "We will be here for as long as you need." Mom said, planting a kiss on my forehead. Maybe I should tell them? I'm just so confused right now.

But I soon faced darkness.

Katy's P.O.V.

Once Heather fell asleep, John and I slowly untangled ourselves from her. We exited the room and went to Tamra's room, "Wow, my entire shirt is wet." I said as I grabbed one of Shannon's shirts and went into the bathroom to change.

The only explanation that I can guess right now is that something happened between her and Shawn, from the length of the crying and the sound of her crying, I can tell that Shawn probably cheated on her and she found out the hard way, experience.

Once I finished changing, I walked back into the room. "Katy...this has to be Shawn, doesn't it." He said as I nodded, "I don't know for sure, but it's 99% because of him whether or not she tells us. But we need to respect her wishes and keep quiet." He nodded.

Shannon got out of her bed and went to sleep onto the couch, but I stopped her. "Shan it's fine, I'm not going to get much sleep either tonight, I'll just take the couch and John can sleep with one of you guys." I said, not even really caring. He ended up sleeping next to Johnny.

I curled up on the couch and forced myself to close my eyes, but I soon felt a presence next to me. "John, what are you doing here?" I asked as he laid down next to me, "No way I'm sleeping on a bed while my wife sleeps on a couch, and no one I'm spending a single night away from her." He said before wrapping his arms around me, pulling me very close to him.

"I love you so much, John." I said, "I love you too, Kate, forever." I smiled as I fell asleep.

I woke up the next morning due to a very loud, ear-piercing scream that came from the next door. I fell off the couch as John fell on top of me, causing me to groan but we quickly got up and ran to where Heather was staying.

She was sitting straight up on the bed and screaming, "Sweetheart there are other people in this hotel." I said, rushing towards her. The moment my arms wrapped around mer body, the screaming completely stopped.

"I thought you said you wouldn't leave me, why is everyone in my life leaving me." She sobbed, yeah, she and him definitely broke up. "Honey I didn't leave you, you fell asleep and I wanted to give you some peace so I went to the other room."

"But you still left me." She cried, this time yanking my shirt, causing me to fall onto the bed and crashing on top of her. I sighed as I looked at John for help, which thankfully he understood.

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