Chapter 21

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Katy's P.O.V.

"Will you Perry me?" My eyes widened as I watched him go down on one knee and open a beautiful little velvet box in front of me, revealing the diamond ring I've wanted, how did he even know?

My breathing started to quicken, am I dreaming? I just got divorced, he expects me to just marry him like that again? But then again, he was never like Russell. He was always there for me, unlike a certain someone. John has never judged me in any way shape or form, and I really appreciate that about him.

We also have a daughter together, and I really do love John, so I don't see why not. It's definitely a big step for me, but I am willing to take this risk. When I let out a smile, John's nervous face turned into a hopeful one.

I slowly got off the bed and kneeled down next to him, so we were eye-level. I gently took the ring out of the box and examined it, "How did you know that I like this one?" I asked, "Actually, I um, asked Tamra about it, she was very helpful." My jaw dropped as I laughed, my assistant was behind this too?

I took another look at him before sliding the ring onto my ring finger, "Yes, of course I will marry you." I smiled as he stood up and twirled me around, both of us laughing at the same time. He set me down and smashed his lips onto mine, we continued our heated kiss for a while before he broke away, "You really had me scared there for a second. I knew the risk I was taking when I asked you, but it was a risk I was willing to take." He whispered as I kissed him again.

His hands trailed down to my waist and back up to my breasts as his lips left little love marks on my neck. "John..."I moaned with pleasure, "Thank you for taking this risk." I whispered as he pulled me close to him, "Thank you for being my savior." I said, looking deeply into his eyes.

"No, thank you for ever walking into my life." He said as we heard a small knock on the door, we didn't break apart as the person walked in. "I'm gonna guess that she said yes?" Yep, that must be Tamra.

I smiled as I kissed my boyfriend, wait no, fiance again. Wow, that just felt right to even think, fiance. Both of us were smiling so hard that our jaws started to hurt, "Yeah, she said yes." He said, finally breaking eye contact with me to look over at Tamra, as did I.

I walked over to her and gave her a hug, "What would I do without you, but you do one more thing behind my back and I'm going to fire you, again." I joked, "Oh please Katy, that won't be the last time you're going to fire me." She joked back, I just love that about her.

When the doctor officially released me, the three of us walked down to Heather's room, where she was still resting. She may not have her eyes open, but at the very least I know that she's fine.

John and I took each side of her bed and took her hand, "Sweetheart, I am so glad that you're okay. You have no idea how worried your dad and I were, but you're alright now and that's all that matters." I smiled, "We thought you were dead, we got so scared, Heather, we thought we lost you." I said.

"But your mom is so strong, just like you sweetie, your mom tried everything she possibly could to save you instead of crying. Which is why I asked your mom to marry me, and can you guess what she said?" John asked, "Baby, your dad and I are going to get married." I finished.

"OH MY GOODNESS JOHN!!" I suddenly screamed, causing everyone to literally rush towards me. "Katy are you alright??" John asked, grabbing me, he must have thought that I was about to collapse. Whoops.

"I'm fine, but I felt Heather's finger move!" I started crying, my baby girl really is going to be alright! I heard John let out a huge sigh before taking me into his arms, "Katheryn, do. Not. scare. Me like that again okay?" He said, kissing my forehead as I continued crying.

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