Chapter 41

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Katy's P.O.V.

"AND ACTION!!" The director screamed though his megaphone, I remember filming for the Smurfs and Part of Me wasn't even this tiring. I was lifted up into the air as the fan turned on and wind started blowing towards my direction.

I waved my hands, later animation is going to project ice waves from my gesture as I was set back onto the ground. "AND CUT!!" Does he really have to scream every single time? I smiled as they took off the straps and John walked towards me, "You're doing a great job, babe." He said before kissing me.

"That's only because you're here." I smiled back, "AND ME!!!" Came Shannon's voice, I laughed as I gave her a long smooch on the cheek, causing her to freak out and run away like a little girl. "My two daughters, one of whom has gone completely rebellious on me and the still a little kid." I joked.

"I'm guessing that the phone call did not go well?" He asked as we headed towards my dressing room, we have a 20 minute break right now. "Yeah, I understand, she's a teenager and she's going through a phase right now." John grabbed a bottle of water and handed it to me as I slipped out of my heels.

I'm still in the huge costume right now, but it looked really gorgeous so I didn't really mind. My heels are 6 inches, so I was only a tiny bit shorter than John, but now that they are off, I'm only to his shoulder length again.

"Babe, your phone has been going off for like the past thirty minutes, you should probably answer it." He said as I continue kissing him, "It's probably just Heather calling me to annoy me again, Sofia can deal with her for a while, I want my man right now." I giggled as I continued kissing him.

It's possible to make love in under 20 minutes, and that's exactly what we did. Although the part where I had to put the costume back on was really hard, but I managed to do it. When I finally went to check my phone, it no longer had any battery.

"Just great." I muttered as I plugged it into the charger, "Katy, we have to start filming again." Came a voice and a knock, "Okay I'm coming." I said before walking back to John, who was waiting for me by the door.

He wrapped his arm around my waist as we exited the room, I felt like something was wrong, my gut feeling, but it's probably nothing. I've been proven before that I get paranoid really easily, so I just shrugged it off. Nothing better than another six hours of filming, no breaks in between.

After three very long hours of filming, and Shannon literally whining and begging the director for a break, he finally gave us a five minute bathroom break. As I was about to go to the bathroom, I heard a bunch of yelling and commotion by the main door.

My curiosity got the best of me as I walked towards the sound, my eyes widened when I saw Sofia in tears, trying to fight her way into the set. I broke into a run and squeezed through everyone, the moment she saw me, she broke into larger cries.

"Katy I'm so sorry, I tried calling you but you wouldn't answer your phone..." She sobbed as she held onto me, "Sofia what is going on, why are you here and not back with Heather at the house?" I asked, clearly confused as John and Shannon helped shoo everyone away.

"I thought Heather was fine after our little argument, but apparently she wasn't. It was awfully quiet in her room, so I decided to go and check up on her, her room was locked so I had to use the key, and I found her...oh my God..." She cried.

I looked at John with a very confused face, "I found her laying in the bathtub with her wrists slit open and an empty bottle of sleeping pills." My jaw dropped as I let go of Sofia, losing my balance, I fell onto the ground, but I didn't lose conscious.

"Katy!!" I heard John yell, as he tried grabbing me but failed. The last time something happened to Heather my phone was also off, and I also had a gut feeling that something was wrong, that should have been a red flag, but once again, I placed work before Heather.

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