Chapter 45

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Cedric's P.O.V.

10 years later...

I sighed as I smacked my alarm clock, I absolutely hate this day to life's existence. I hate it so much that mom even agreed to not let me go to school on this day, today is the day that my sister, Heather died 15 years ago. She would have been 32 now, but she's not.

I may not have even seen her before, but somehow I feel like I have the strongest connection to her, a stronger connection to her than mom or dad combined.

Of course they've told me the story of how Heather basically created me, Heather's life story, how my very selfish parents practically threw her away. I mean no wonder she committed suicide, I wouldn't be able to live like that either.

Thinking of all the suffering she had to go through, yet still put on that fake smile to convince our parents that she's okay, she must have been dying on the inside yet no one was there to rescue her.

Sometimes I really hate mom and dad for doing that to her, but I know that it's also not their fault. Every year on this day, I stay in bed and just look at some photos of Heather, and then at night, I go to the cemetery where she was buried and I just talk to her all night long.

I know it's cheesy, but I've always wanted a sibling. I know I have one, but she's not here. I never cry in front of people, I only cry in my room when I know I'm alone. Mom and dad haven't even seen me cry before, I just don't like to be seen crying that's all.

Mom is on the other side of the world right now and dad's working on releasing another album soon, so basically he lives at his studio. I don't even know how they manage to keep their marriage alive, must be built on trust or something.

So Shannon is here to watch me, speaking of her, the door opened. "Hey Ceddy, how are you doing?" She asked, sitting on my bed. "Shannon, what else did mom and dad leave out about Heather?" I asked with red eyes.

"Cedric, don't do this to yourself okay? I know she's your sister, but you can't keep doing this, it's not healthy. She's in the past, and as hard as it is for me to say, you have to try and forget about her, it's only going to drag you down." She said.

I sighed as I laid back into my pillow, how is it possible for someone to be so attached to someone who they've never even met before? I guess life is just weird in general. That some things just can't be explained.

"Anyways, just take this day off and get some rest, I know that you teenagers lack sleep, just wait until you get to college, you'll literally die." She joked before messing my hair up and leaving. My phone started ringing, it was dad:

J: Hi Ced, how is my boy doing?

C: Just laying in bed right now, Shan just came to check up on me.

J: Okay, don't take this day too hardly alright? The last thing I need is for you to fall into a depression as well.

C: Chill out, I won't. Are you coming home tonight?

J: Yes I am, but not until at least midnight cause we are very close to releasing this album and it needs to be perfect.

C: Okay, well, you know where to find me if you want to come and visit me before you sleep.

J: Ced, it is equally hard for your mom and I on this day, we just don't show it as much as you do.

C: Now you're implying that I'm too emotional?? She's your daughter, how can you just not care?

J: We do care, why do you think your mom hasn't had any shows on this day in the past 15 years? Our actions show that we care, she was our daughter for crying out loud.

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