Chapter 63

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Cleo's P.O.V.

"SOFIA'S GONNA LIVE????" I screamed, completely forgetting the fact that I'm supposed to maintain my posture and be Queen like, oh well. This is way too exciting!

"Yes your highness, she has regained consciousness and will survive." The chief said before leaving, I let out a very happy sigh as I heard the door slam. I turned my body around to find Ryan rushing into the room, "What's going on?" He asked.

"Sofia's awake and will stay that way, she's alive." I said happily as tears fell out of my eyes, I watched as he let out a breath before smiling really big. "So Heather will stay." He smiled.

"Yes, Heather won't have to return anymore, this is the happiest day of my life!" I almost squealed as Ryan wrapped his arms around me, he hasn't done that in years may I dare say.

Everyone in the room also fell silent as I froze, "I'm sorry for ignoring you all these years, I should have listened to you more, and I should have definitely been there for you when Heather left." He spoke softly.

I let out a warm smile, "Just being able to see you everyday was enough comfort, and now hearing this, it's more than I could ever ask for." I said as he cupped my cheeks.

However, just as he was about to lean in to kiss me, the doors burst open. "Your highnesses, we are so sorry to interrupt, but this is something you must see for yourselves." The main soldier said.

I looked at Ryan, who gave me an equally weird look before we both rushed out to follow the soldier. Why the heck are we in the River of Lotuses? This is Heaven's most sacred river, it's also the clearest river known to mankind.

As we neared the river, I let out an ear piercing scream when I saw what they wanted us to see. "Your majesty!" One of the soldiers yelled as somehow he kept on getting taller, oh, I'm getting shorter?

I was suddenly floating in the air as Ryan's face came into view, "Cleo! Call the doctor right now!" He yelled as he laid me onto the ground, but I just shook him away from me as I sat up trembling. My entire body was shaking as my eyes focused on the body that lay floating in the river.

Tears were flowing out of my eyes so quickly that I was afraid I'd have no tears left to cry anymore for eternity. "No...Heather why." I said as my lip trembled, this can't be happening. How could she just die like this, I told her to wait for me, that Sofia would be okay.

How could she take her own life, and in the most sacred river? I felt hands on my shoulders, and more on my body, trying to lift me up, but I just pushed them all away as I sank into the water, causing a riot of shouts to occur.

My face was numb and expressionless as I slowly swam towards my daughter, I never got to hold her, yet she's gone. If you take your life in Heaven, you're done for good, there are no more chances, she's gone, my baby's gone.

Once I arrived at her body, I slowly wrapped one arm around her, pulling her towards me as I finally let my tears fall free. "How could you just leave me like this, mommy never even got to tell you the truth, never got to hold you..." I said, as tears fell onto her body.

"I've let you down so much, and you never even got to hear the truth." I sniffled my nose as I could no longer breathe, "Quickly lift her highness out of the water, she's going to get sick!" I heard a voice say as I was forcibly ripped apart from Heather.

"NOOOO!!!! LET ME GO!" I cried as I quickly shocked all of them, maybe a little too hardly, to the point where they all fell and sank into the water. I quickly swam back to her, "Heather, you're not leaving me again, mommy's going to spend the rest of eternity with you, I promise I won't leave you again." I said before looking back at Ryan, who was swimming and on his way towards me since I basically shocked all of the soldiers and people who were with us.

I gave him a sad smile, causing him to completely stop swimming. Then I turned around and looked back at me daughter, who was sleeping peacefully. "Mommy will always be with you now, never again will I leave you." I said before drawing dust from my lungs, without dust, we cannot survive.

I closed my eyes as I became weaker and weaker, I could hear faint shouts, but I made sure to put a bubble around me so no one could bother me while I took my life. This is what death feels like, I never thought that I would take my own life, or because of my daughter's death.

But I guess that now I really do understand, a mother is willing to do anything for her kid, no matter what. I never got to be there for Heather, now is my only chance.

Katy's P.O.V.

It's been a month since Sofia woke up, and she's been doing great. I've stopped touring because I just don't have any energy left in me anymore, despite my love towards my fans and music.

I've been taking care of Sofia, and now that she's no longer that weak, she's off to living with Tim again, and I'm all alone. Right, speaking of loneliness, I say that for a reason. John had a heart attack two weeks ago, and the doctors couldn't do anything to save him.

I remember watching him turn ghostly pale, and how everything around me just died at that moment, the moment when the doctors declared him dead. Every single one of the people I love have been taken away from me, I'm surprised I didn't die.

John's heart couldn't handle the pain anymore, Heather's death really struck us, and it's always continued striking us, even though we don't mention her name as often doesn't mean we aren't thinking about her constantly.

The only person I have left is Cedric now, but he's a grown man and doesn't need to be with his mother anymore. When John died, I didn't even shed a single tear. I've lost so many people, been through so many things already, I'm numb.

I can't feel any pain anymore, and that's definitely not a good thing or a thing to be proud of. I've thought about taking my life to, but what will that do? It'll only give the paparazzi another headline, which I've given them way too many these past few years.

With Heather and John both gone, Cedric far away from me, Shannon filming in Australia, and Sofia/Tim also gone, I don't know who I'm living for anymore. All I'm doing right now is just sitting on the couch, staring at a blank TV screen. Waiting for death to take over me now, I mean, what else could I hope for?

I'm so tired I can barely open my eyes, my hair is a mess and I haven't showered in so many days. What am I gonna do? I guess there is only one thing left for me to do, continue living my life to the best of my ability.

No matter how many people get taken away from your life, crying isn't going to help. Sinking into depression isn't going to help either, even though you will feel like it's all your fault, but it really isn't.

You know that you had the best time with them possible when they were still here, so there is no need to feel any regret. Heather was my light and my savior, and she will always be my light and my savior.

Author's note: Oh my goodness I can't believe another story is done!! I know I wasn't expecting this ending either, like honestly at all, but it somehow just came to me. I know some of you will be pissed at me lol for this but I had to find a way to end this story somehow.

Idk if you guys saw my post in my conversations, but I'm starting a new story soon! It's going to be called The Princess of Heaven, of course with Katy and John again. I will have this story up (first chapter) hopefully in less than a week, the plot is pretty different from all my other works, but it's definitely not too different.

I hope that you guys will check that story out, I'll let you know when it's posted!! Thanks once again for all your support, ahhhhhh I can't believe this!!!

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