Chapter 6

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Katy's P.O.V.

"No you SHUT UP and listen to me!"

"Why is it always you, why can't you listen to me for once? This is not about me for goodness sakes!"

"Oh, cause what you just said totally makes 100% sense then doesn't it!"

"What the..." And that's when I told everyone to just shut up, and of course, I said it with actual threat in my voice, unlike my crew, who had been yelling pointlessly for the past almost two hours.

They are arguing about whether or not I can attend one of Heather's ballet performances, I obviously want to go, but there's a concert on that day, and if I did attend the performance, then I'd have to cancel, and that's not an option.

"Heather sweetie, I am so sorry, but I cannot attend otherwise I'd have to cancel a show. Is it okay if your dad takes you this time, I promise I'll eventually go to one of your shows." I said, bending down in front of my daughter, "Yeah, I mean honestly it really doesn't matter, as long as someone takes me."

I stood back up and faced everyone, "See, how hard was that? John will take his private jet along with Shannon to go see Heather's performance, and the rest of you guys will do what we always do okay?" That's when Shannon's head popped out from the crowd, "Katy say what?"

Right, I forgot to actually tell Shannon that she was going as well. "Right um, Shannon you are also going to go because I said so, and when Heather might need some help changing into her costume and putting on makeup that's when you come in handy since I can't personally be there."

"Speaking of John, where the hell is he?" Shannon said, oh yeah, where is he? He was supposed to go down with Bradford to take care of some business, they've been gone for hours.

"It's New York City, do you think something bad happened to them?" Shannon said, "Ugh, come with me, we're going to go search for them, Heather, stay with Tamra and please, do your homework." I said while throwing on a coat, she nodded and Shannon and I walked out of the room.

"None of them are answering my calls, I get one person settled and there's always more." I said, stepping off of the elevator and out of the hotel. "So miss smarty pants, where are we going to go?" Shannon said, that's when it clicked, I have absolutely no idea where to start searching. "Oh, Brad's calling, thank goodness."

K: Brad, where the hell are you two?

B: Well John is signing autographs and I'm sorta just chilling.

K: That would explain why he isn't answering his phone, can you give him your phone?

B: Katy, sorry, I couldn't say no to these fans.

K: It's okay, but I need you to come back here very soon, you and Shannon need to get going for her performance on your jet.

B: Shannon's coming too?

K: Yes, she is, why is that such a surprise? She's going because Heather might need help with costume changes or makeup and obviously you can't do either of those things.

B: Okay okay, I'll be back within ten minutes okay?

K: Hurry up!

And with that, I ended the call. "So much for trying to search for them, they're signing autographs." Shannon almost choked, "I mean John is signing autographs, for goodness sakes." I said shaking my head, just then, Heather walks out. "Heather, what are you doing out here, it's freezing." She just laughed and shrugged, "I'm fine, I ran in the snow before without shoes." Her smile died down when she said that, "Yeah that's right, now go back in." I scolded.

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