Chapter 44

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Katy's P.O.V.

I've been sitting in the room that Heather created for us crying for the past half an hour, John and I have been walking for so many miles just to find out that Heather is not planning on coming back to Earth with us. I cried throughout my shower and now I'm still crying.

John tried comforting me, but I just shoved him away. I know he wants me to feel better and all, but sometimes, I really just need to cry. I haven't been expressing my emotions lately, I've been holding everything in.

Even when I found out that Heather died, I didn't even cry, but knowing that she's not coming back with us, I guess that's what really got me. What could possibly be so good up there that makes her not want to be with her own parents?

I heard the shower stop and I sighed, I've never been this dedicated to doing something in my life before. I've never walked this much without taking a break in between, but in the end, I'm not even going to get what I intended to get, my daughter back.

"Kate, we will be sleeping here tonight, we've been walking for almost two days now without stopping, you and I both need some rest." I could tell he's been crying as well, because his voice was very hoarse.

"I'll be in the bed if you need me." He said before getting onto his bed, I just buried my face into my hands as I took some deep breaths. Crying isn't going to do anything, I know, but I just can't hold it in anymore, otherwise I will burst and die.

After a few minutes, I got up and climbed into the bed. As much as I want John's love right now, I was way too tired, and I'm guessing that he sensed that too because he didn't even wrap his arm around my waist like he always does at night.

I can't lose both my daughter and my husband at the same time, so I turned around in the bed and snuggled up close to his warm chest. I felt his muscles contract before he pulled me even closer to him.

Nothing was said between the two of us as we held on to each other and fell asleep.

Heather's P.O.V.

I woke up the next morning to find Cosette's face literally two inches from mine, I let out a loud scream as she moved away. "Do you guys always sleep this much? Up here in Heaven you don't sleep..." She said, clearly confused.

Right, they don't sleep. "Your highness, with all due respect, I am still adjusting." I said as I got out of bed and into my closet to change, "Don't bother, you're so slow." She said, snapping her fingers and instantly, I was dressed in a lab coat and lab pants, along with everything lab related.

"Let's get going." She said, "What about breakfast?" I asked, "Honey, we don't eat up here either." My jaw dropped, "What?? But I'm starving!" I cried as she grabbed me and we flew down to the lab, me whining the entire time.

"Cosette what have you done to her?" Cleo yelled, grabbing a hold of me. "Who the heck sleeps here, and eats as well?" Cosette yelled before leaving, "To be fair she does have a solid point, you'll get used to it, not having time to eat is one thing but our bodies have adjusted, the air that we breathe in contains nutrients, enough to let us survive."

"But then why are there food shops?" I asked, "You don't see them up in the mansion now do you, the air is only found here in the Mansion area, not for the commoners, they still have to eat to survive. As long as you're up here, you could go forever without eating."

Wow, such a food lover like me with no food, that's a world I do not want to live in. "Now come on, you have to get working in the lab otherwise we will for sure lose this war with Hell." Cleo said, leading me into the lab.

"Cleo, a word, now." Johnny said, one of the other Gods. She nodded and smiled at me before flying off with him, I sighed as I walked to my station and opened one of the huge books that was sitting on my desk.

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