Chapter 13

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Katy's P.O.V.

I sighed as Johnny left, I wonder what could have suddenly made Heather go into such pain, but then again surprises are surprises. I walked back to the bedroom and found Heather on her phone, "Sweetheart, you're supposed to be resting, hand it over." I said.

She groaned, "I'm facetiming dad and Shannon!" She said, causing me to quickly sit down next to her. Seeing John's face made me start crying, "Katy please don't cry, you know I hate it when you cry." John said, "I miss you so much baby, every single waking moment."

"How are you doing back in Montana?" I asked, "It's so boring here without you guys, all Shannon and I ever do is argue with each other, right monkey?" He said, "Who you calling a monkey, you pig." She said, okay, now I'm laughing. These two always find a way to make me laugh.

"See what I mean, honey? We turn the normalest conversations into arguments." I miss him so much, I miss him holding me and comforting me, I just miss everything about this perfect man that I can call mine.

"Just a few more days, and we can return back. I almost died today." I said, wrapping my arms around Heather, John spat out his coffee as he pressed his face against the screen, I just realized what I said lol.

"WHAT???" He screamed, "You idiot, that coffee you spat out is now all over my precious face, and Katy, WHAT? I can't lose my best friend, like ever!" She exclaimed, "Your best friend, she's my girlfriend!" John yelled, "Guys, I don't mean like physically die. Heather here had some sort of an attack, and she started turning red and she couldn't breathe, oh sweetheart." I said, holding her tightly against me.

"Katheryn, that doesn't make this situation any better!" John said, "Heather what happened, are you okay?" He asked, "Yeah, I just couldn't breathe for a few seconds, but everything's okay, I was probably choking or something on my food."

"Clumsy, just like your mother." Shannon laughed, "I will hit you." I replied, "You love me way too much to do that to me." She said, sticking her tongue out at me. "Arg you're right, but I will verbally attack you."

"I'm just so glad that you're alright, I don't know what I'd do without either of you." John said, rubbing his temples, oh baby. "I love you so much baby, but Heather has to get some rest after what happened tonight, I'll call you tomorrow okay?" I said.

"Bye sweetheart, stay safe okay?" John said, "Yeah, please don't die out on me, goodnight!" She said as I ended the facetime, "Alright sweetie, go to bed." I put the phone down and climbed in next to her, it's been such a long time since I held her like this.

She rolled next to me and buried her head into the crook of my neck, "Everything's going to be okay, little kitten." I said, before darkness took over.

Heather's P.O.V.

I decided to go buy mom some breakfast, so I carefully got out of the bed, but I soon realized that I didn't need to be quiet at all because this is Katy Perry after all, a world war could be going on in this room and she wouldn't wake up. So I quickly threw on a blue dress and grabbed my purse before running out to catch a taxi.

Once I arrived at the grocery store, I started looking for groceries. Thankfully our hotel has a kitchen, but since mom can't cook, we don't use it, money gone to waste. I quickly grabbed some fruits for a fruit salad, a dozen eggs, some vegetables for me, hash browns, bacon, and some other stuff.

I also scanned the junk food section for some snacks, I ended up getting way too many, probably enough to get another lecture from mom, but it's totally worth it. I went to the cashier and the total came out to be nearly $100, yep, I got way too much considering we're only going to be here for another four days.

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