Chapter 15

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Katy's P.O.V.

I finally let it out after Heather slammed the door, I slowly fell to the ground while clutching my chest, it hurts so much. My daughter has never said anything like that to me before, not even when she found out that I was her mom, so I know how hurt she must be.

How could I be so stupid and blind? "Katy, just the fact that I had to fly all the way here should have rung a bell to you, but it didn't, you continued defending Johnny instead of Heather, how do you think she felt?" Shannon said gently.

I just continued sobbing, "You have the best boyfriend in the world and you're letting him go, do you know how miserable he was this past week when you weren't with him, he was almost in a state of depression, yet what have you been doing?"

"Shannon, I didn't know it was getting so bad!" I said, "You definitely knew, it would be impossible for you to not have known based on what Heather told me. The extended rehearsal, the dinners, wanting to take you out, touching you, did you really think all of that was just friendly gestures?"

"Be quiet Shannon, just give me some alone time." I yelled, "No, for once I'm not going to leave, you did something wrong and as stubborn as you are, you're going to admit to it and face the consequences. You still have time to make up with your daughter, and if you don't and if she gets on that plane, then you will have really screwed up."

"She hates me, it doesn't matter what I do anyways." I said, standing up and walking towards the bathroom. I just want to be alone, why can't she just leave me the hell alone? She stormed in front of me and blocked the door, "What?" I yelled.

"Go to her, trust me, it's gonna make a difference. You guys finally got back together after so many years, she doesn't want to do this either, she's debating too, so use this opportunity and go get your daughter back." She said.

I didn't know why, but I just couldn't. I just shook my head and shoved her out of the way before locking myself in the bathroom, my own daughter doesn't even want me anymore, what more is there to life?

Heather's P.O.V.

I was in tears when I arrived at the studio, oddly there were still people there, mainly just trainers and workers. Everyone stopped what they were doing when they say me marching in, "Where is Johnny?" I snapped, sniffling. "He's in his office." Lydia said before approaching me.

"Heather, what's wrong?" She asked, that's when I spotted Charles. I just sighed and ran towards him, weirdly throwing myself onto him, I needed any comfort and I was desperate for it right now.

"You were right, so right, I broke them off but I did it in a way that hurt my mom, I bet she's so pissed at me right now, I hate Johnny so much, I'm going to go into his office and I'm going to quit." I yelled, now truly causing everyone to gasp.

"Wait Heather you can't quit, you just aren't thinking clearly now." He said, grabbing onto my arm, "No, I am thinking clearly, no one messes with my family, and he did, so he's going to lose me. I'm sure you guys will find another dancer for your performance, there are so many talented dancers out there. Won't be a problem."

I walked towards his office and when I arrived, I didn't even bother to knock before opening it. "Heather?" He asked weirdly, standing up. "I'm done, Johnny, I quit, and you damn well know the reason why." I said, causing his eyes to pop out.

"What, you can't quit!" He said, rushing towards me, but I just took a huge step back, bumping into the wall. "You knew that my mom was dating, yet you still had to force yourself onto her, she didn't turn you down because she was way too nice, it's not in her heart to hurt people, but I'm not her, I'm not nice at all, so for once I'm in control here." I yelled.

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