Chapter 33

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Katy's P.O.V.

It's showtime. My hand was on John's arm as he was about to be raised onto the stage, "Kate, sweetheart I'll be okay, please let go." He said as gently as possible, but I could hear his voice shaking.

Everyone in the arena went through security, but sometimes things can be sneaked past security. Tamra slowly put her hand on my back and pulled me away from him, tears formed in my eyes as I watched him leave my sight.

"Something's going to happen to him, Tam I can feel the bad vibe." I breathed, I've never been this nervous before in my life. I could hear John's voice booming through the arena, and it's a two hour show, who the hell knows what could happen afterwards or even during, or hell even now.

"Katy it's just two hours, we have tripled the security, it's going to be fine." Just then, my phone started ringing, Shannon:

S: Heather is going to kill me if I don't let her on a plane to you guys right now, I don't know how to calm her down Katy!!

K: This is absolutely the last thing I need right now, hand the phone to her.

H: Mom don't worry, I'm coming right now.

K: Heather STOP, okay, just stop. I am under enough stress right now and I don't need you adding more to it, stay in the house and do not leave it.

H: You guys are in danger.

K: That is our problem to deal with, not yours. You leaving the house and flying over here, we will have to wait for you, further risking our lives, do you not understand?

H: I do but I'm just so worried.

K: I know you are and I am too, but you calling me right now is stopping me from thinking straightly. Just please, Heather, please just stay put okay and do not cause anymore trouble for Shannon.

H: Okay fine, if it'll make you less stressed then that's what I'll do.

I shut my eyes as I closed my phone, I can't deal with anymore distractions. Just then, I felt a sharp pain in my lower abdomen. It hurt so bad that my eyes became watery, no, not at this moment.

I grabbed the chair next to me as I slowly sank to the ground, "TAMRA!!" I yelled as loudly as I could, thankfully she was within close range. She ran towards me and lowered me onto the ground, I was clutching over to try and decrease the pain, but it kept getting worse.

"What is going on??" She cried, reaching for her phone to dial 911. "My stomach hurts so much, and I don't know why...ugh!" I started crying, the pain was worse than when I gave birth to Heather.

"I just called 911, they will be here shortly, but there are some medics here, they're going to make sure you're okay, Katy." She said as a few people leaned over me, they put a mask on me and seconds later, I was calm.

I felt something sharp enter into my arm and the next thing I knew, I was unconscious.

John's P.O.V.

The concert was a success, nothing blew up, yet. I let out a deep breath as I was lowered backstage, the fear I had during that concert was absolutely not fun at all.

However, backstage seemed so much more quiet and gloomier than I expected. The one thing that caught my attention was that Katy was nowhere to be found, which is a red flag right there.

"Where's Katy?" I panicked as Troy ran up to me, "When you were performing, her stomach started hurting, so we called 911 and she's at a hospital right now." I bit my lip so harshly that I tasted blood, I promised nothing would happen to her, but I couldn't even keep that promise.

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