Chapter 9

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Author's note: I'm so happy, Heather has reached over 100 views! So as a thank you gift, I'm updating another chapter, thanks so much!!

Heather's P.O.V.

I started crying, and I couldn't stop crying, and I knew the exact reason as to why I was crying. But being the monkey Shannon is and the weird dad is, none of them stopped their stupid and ridiculous arguments to ask me what was going on.

Actually, I was crying because of them. They just won't stop arguing about every single stupid little thing that doesn't even need to be argued about. When the plane finally landed, I knew that mom was waiting for us outside, so without wasting another moment, I quickly ran out of the jet and started searching for mom while still crying.

I found her talking to Tamra, so I started running and screaming towards her. She seemed really shocked, but pushed that aside and held me in her arms as she started patting my back, "Mommy." I cried into her shoulder, now I'm crying because I miss her.

"Oh sweetie, why are you crying?" She asked, brushing a strand of my jet black hair behind my ear, "Your friend and husband won't stop arguing, and it's getting so annoying!" I cried, burying my face into her chest.

"Okay honey, I will give them a lecture okay, now and I love you and everything but please let go of me." She laughed, but I just shook my head. It felt so good to hug her, and maybe it's because of my hormones because my period is supposed to come soon, but I don't know, I've been feeling really clingy ever since the performance.

Katy's P.O.V.

Something definitely happened to her in LA, although I don't know her too well, I know that this isn't her normal personality, she's not this clingy. But I'm not going to push her to tell me what's wrong because I might be wrong, maybe she just misses me and I'm overthinking.

But if this continues, I'm going to question her. I smiled as Shannon and John came running towards me, I let go of Heather, who still had herself basically buried against me to hug them.

"Oh I missed you guys so much!" I smiled, giving John a kiss on the lips and Shannon a kiss on the cheek. "Hey, he gets a real kiss and I don't, what kind of a friend are you?" She joked, "I'm her boyfriend who hasn't seen her in a week, you do the math."

"Okay guys please, calm down, let's get going. I have a show soon and I don't want to be late to my own concert." I joked as I put an arm around Heather, "Babe, we're going to go back to the hotel okay?" She nodded as we started heading towards the limo.

Once we got into the limo, I sorta had to kind of force Heather off of me so John and I could talk. Thankfully, she eventually gave up and put her head onto Shannon's lap, who just looked like a lost puppy without a bone.

I chuckled as John wrapped his arm around my waist, "I missed you so much, Katy." He said, giving me a passionate kiss. "I missed you too babe, things will work out, I know it will." I smiled as I kissed him again, only to hear a pretend puking sound.

We broke apart and I laughed at Shannon, "Um, stop making out will you? You guys do have your own hotel room so please, save it for then will you?" She said, covering Heather's ears the entire time.

"You do realize that I can still hear, right, with your tiny little hands." Heather said, causing Shannon to stick her tongue out at her. I sighed, "My two kids are quite a handful sometimes."

The next morning...

Heather's P.O.V.

I walked into mom and dad's room to find them still sleeping, and their clothes were all over the floor. Oh ewww this is so disgusting, thank goodness Shannon drugged me last night so I wouldn't have to listen to their sex. I can't believe I just said that.

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