Chapter 42

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Katy's P.O.V.

We opened our eyes to find ourselves surrounded in a very gloomy place, almost exactly like the Moors. Everywhere was foggy, there was almost no sunshine at all, and it was pretty humid as well. Great, this is where I'm going to be spending my life once I die.

I felt John grab my hand as a huge screen suddenly appeared in front of us, "There will be a total of ten questions, if you answer all correctly, at the end of the tenth question, you will find Heather's soul, if you answer even one incorrectly, you will be lead to the wrong soul. Question number one."

Oh great, I was never the best test taker, and since I barely even know Heather, this is a test I'm going to have to rely on gut feelings. "Heather committed suicide through pills and blood loss, there are many reasons causing people to commit suicide, name one of Heather's reasons. You have one minute remaining." The voice said.

I turned to John, "I never even knew that she was depressed, let alone a reason she killed herself for, we're never going to find her." I started sobbing, I knew I was only wasting time, but I couldn't help myself this time. This is the second time I've lost her.

"Was it because of pressure and stress?" John answered, "Walk to your left for about half a mile and you will see me again." The voice replied, we don't even know if that is correct or not...

"Come on Kate, only one way to find out." He said, gently giving my arm a tug as we started making our way towards hopefully Heather. I've watched so many movies before in my life, even acted in some as well, but I've never been this frightened before in my life.

John walked in front of me as I followed closely behind, there were so many negative thoughts in my mind right now, but I tried my very best to brush them off as we continued searching for Heather.

Heather's P.O.V.

These past few days have been such a blast, Heaven is such an amazing place. I thought it was just white clouds everywhere, but it's literally like LA. There are shops, salons, houses, a huge mansion holding the Goddesses (they are sorta like the celebrities up here).

I met this amazing guy named Max, he died about a week before I did, basically because of the same reason. His parents were pushing him way too hard to try and get into Harvard, but if you aren't Harvard material, no matter how hard someone pushes you, even if you do somehow get in, you can't get out.

His parents wouldn't listen to him, so he just ended his life. No parents up here barking orders, or in my case, just not being here at all. When I go to sleep, I always think about my parents, but I've given them enough chances.

Even if they do find my soul, which is never going to happen since they don't even know what my favorite color is, and that is one of the questions, I'll never go back with them. Every dead person writes their own questions for the people who caused them to die to answer, and even if they answer all of them correctly, it's up to the dead person to determine whether or not they want to return back to Earth.

Max is just about the sweetest guy I've ever met, I know it's only been a few days, but it's been the best few days ever. Max's parents are also currently in the Jungle searching for his soul, speaking of searching, we are currently in the huge room that looks out over the Jungle.

I entered my password and pulled up the live video of my parents walking through the Jungle, "How are they doing so far?" Max answered, I pulled up the results. "Wow they are slow walkers, they are only on question 4 and it's been three days already. Surprisingly they got all of them correct so far." I said.

"Mine are on day 10 already, last question, all the others correct, weird. Maybe we made them too easy?" He asked, "Or they are just super good at guessing." I said as I focused my attention back onto the screen.

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