Chapter 57

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Katy's P.O.V.

"Are you sure you want to do this?" Todd asked, holding a pair of scissors in his hands. I just nodded, it's been almost a week since John and I got out of the hospital. I felt like everything around me and inside of me just died, with Heather dead, I still found a way to cope, but now with both of my kids dead, I'm surprised I'm still alive and breathing.

John completely lost it when he woke up and realized the situation he was in, I tried my best to be there for him, but most of the time it was just his crew that tried comforting him, because I was in ruins myself.

After about three days, you could say that John got a little bit better, but not too much. Once, we just stayed in bed for two days straight, of course, our crew members were getting us food and such so we wouldn't die.

Now John is in Montana, trying to get himself back together. I flew to New York, one of my favorite places to try and clear my mind a little. Both of us have canceled all of our tours, because if we don't, we might really not make it.

I've just been hanging out with Shannon in one of her houses here, it's located in Manhattan. Shannon would force me to go shopping with her, and I know that that is one big way to clear my mind a little, but it honestly has not been helping at all.

"Alright, then I'm going to cut it." My hair right now is curly jet black to my lower back, I want Todd to straighten it and cut it to my shoulders, I don't want to deal with my hair anymore, I've dealt with it for too much of my life already, not anymore.

Once everything was all done and set, I stood up and laid down on the chair for my makeup. The only reason I still put makeup on right now is because of the paparazzi, I worked way too hard to get where I am, not gonna let makeup destroy my career.

K: What do you want, Woodward?

S: Just checking in on you, I know that you aren't doing good right now so I'm not even gonna ask how you're doing. We are attending a ball tonight, I got invited, and therefore I am now inviting you.

K: Shannon that is the last thing I'm doing, going to a freaking ball. My kids are gone, John left, I don't want to do anything.

S: I knew you'd say that, which is exactly why I didn't give you a choice, I already put both our names onto the list.

K: What the hell??

S: Love you, I'm almost done with business here so I'll be home soon.

"What's wrong?" Todd asked while he put on a layer of bronzer, "Shan just called me and told me that I'm attending a ball with her tonight." I muttered, "Oh, a ball? I better let Johnny know so he can find a dress quickly, be right back babe."

I let out a huge groan before realizing that my phone was ringing again, seriously can I just have some peace and quiet?

K: What Shannon??

J: Honey do you have me labeled as Shannon on your caller ID?

K: Oh John, I didn't look at the name because Shan just called me a few seconds ago, apparently I'm attending a ball tonight with her.

J: A what?

K: That was my reaction, I know she's just trying to be a good friend but...

J: No Katy, I mean which ball, because I'm also attending one tonight. And I was calling you to see if you were going.

K: This cannot be a coincidence, and I don't know, Shan didn't tell me the location or title. She just said ball.

J: That is so weird, Ben is forcing me to go as well, trying to get me in some paparazzi photos to make it seem like I'm not dead.

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