Chapter 22

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Heather's P.O.V.

When mom was forcibly torn away from me by dad, Bradford, Shannon, and Tamra, I felt everything just fade away. I don't know why mom suddenly started crying and wouldn't let me go, but it felt really nice, but now that she's gone, everything is dark again.

"I want my mom!" I cried, the thing is, whenever I get really tired or sick, I tend to get really clingy. And since my mother wasn't an option when I was younger, I'd turn to Sofia. But now that I have my mom as an option, I wanted to use it.

But being the international pop sensation Katy Perry she is, I can't really have her all the time. I've learned to accept that, but not when I'm sick. I'm currently running a really high fever, everyone has been doing their best to shield it from mom, who's still performing.

"Here drink this." Tamra said, giving me a bowl of hot chicken soup. I took a sip and spat it out, "There is absolutely no flavor!" I yelled, and when I'm sick, I'm really grouchy as well. I literally had everyone backstage running around trying to take care of me. Mom would ground me forever is she saw me using her crew like my own servants.

"No this towel is already too wet!"

"Can you hurry up with the water?"

"No this water is too cold, I want warm water."

"Where is my boba???"

"Heather!" Dad finally yelled, stopping everyone from running around. "Lay down, drink your soup and stop shouting orders please, they have to prepare for your mom when she's lowered backstage! I will take care of you, everyone else, out." He said.

He closed the door and sat down next to me, "I know you just want your mom, I just want my wife too right now, but we have to learn to share her okay, with the world. I know you're not feeling good, but you can't be rude to everyone around you alright?" He asked, holding me.

I just silently nodded, that's when I heard a bunch of yelling outside of the dressing room. Seconds later, the door burst open to reveal a very pissed off looking mom, who was still in her firework costume, I guess the show is over?

"How long has she been like this?" Mom asked, pointing at me. "Katy she's fine, just a little fever, we wanted you to focus on your show." Dad said, setting me back onto the bed. "My poor baby I am so sorry." Mom said rushing over to me, "Mom it's fine, you had to perform."

A wave of guilt passed onto her face, "Because of these performances you had to go through so much, and you're still suffering." She said sadly, still holding onto me.

"It's a little fever, I think I'll be okay, and plus, singing makes you happy and as long as you're happy, I'm happy." I think I hit the wrong hormone with that because she started full on crying, and not just like a little cry but like, big cry.

Dad smiled a bit before wrapping his arms around her, I just hope that one day I can find someone who will care for me the way dad cares for mom. He really does love her, they just took a hell of a long time to realize that they love each other.

Katy's P.O.V.

When we arrived back at the hotel, John helped me onto the bed as I started groaning in pain. I was so tired after the whole Heather situation that I completely lost track of where I was walking. I somehow ended up walking back onstage and fell off the side.

I landed on one of the speakers and boy did that hurt so much, I think I might have even blacked out for a few seconds. Everyone had already exited the arena, so no one in my crew knew where I was for a few minutes until Tamra and Shannon found me just laying there.

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