Chapter 25

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Katy's P.O.V.

I opened my eyes and the first thing I did was run to the bathroom and throw up, I feel like I'm drunk, literally the worst feeling ever. My hair was suddenly pulled out of my face as I continued emptying my stomach into the toilet, "It's okay Katy." John said, rubbing my back as I rinsed my mouth.

My hair was tangled and messy, my face somehow still had makeup on from the show last night...oh shit! I quickly turned around and looked at John, "What happened after I fainted!! I remember waking up but then I must have fainted again, oh my goodness the concert!" I cried.

"Katy it's fine, you fainted again but everyone understands. Bradford is making you perform for this same group of people in about a month or so after you perform in South America, so no worries." I nodded as he started combing my hair.

"Wow babe, your hair is really messy." I just rolled my eyes, "Well no duh, wait, where's Heather?" I asked, "She's with Shannon, I think she took Heather out for breakfast this morning." I nodded and continued allowing John to brush my hair, it being so rare that we have any time alone now.

Shannon's P.O.V.

Heather has been puking nonstop for the past hour, one minute she's fine and the next minute she's green. "Heather come and eat this." I said, grabbing some advil and handing her a glass of water.

But guess what happened next, she puked onto my hand and all over my clothes. I quickly covered her mouth with my hand and led her to the bathroom, where she continued throwing up. There's only so little of her, she's thrown up more than her own body size!

I can't call John because he's tending to Katy, you know what Shannon, you're Shannon Woodward, nothing you can't do! I made sure to book a room in a separate hotel so Katy wouldn't ever find out that I drugged them.

"Shannon I feel like I'm dying." Heather groaned as I helped her back onto the bed, "Take the advil on the bed stand, I'm going to change and I'll be right back!" I yelled before quickly changing into a pair of sweatpants and a Katy Perry t-shirt, yes it was the first thing I could grab.

When I ran back into the room, I found vomit all over the bed, the advil was still sitting there. I gotta give her something to eat, "Heather, just please close your eyes and sleep alright? I'm going to go make you some breakfast, then I'll clean up your amazing insides." Great, John's calling:

S: What do you want.

J: Let me guess, Heather is giving you a rough time?

S: NO, she's doing better but still throwing up.

J: Well in her defense she's only been drugged by you once, Katy gets drunk quite often so her body is used to this stuff whereas Heather is not at all used to it, so have fun taking care of her.

S: Ugh shut up, how's your wife doing?

J: She only threw up ONCE this morning, she's already eating breakfast, like a normal person.

S: This is why I don't like you, I'm covered in your daughter's spit and I smell like spit and I still have to take care of her.

J: Well you did create this mess, so now you have to fix it, babe.

S: Ew call me that one more time and you'll have spit in your face too!

J: Wow even your threats are terrible today, are you sure you didn't accidentally drug yourself too?

S: That's it, I'm hanging up on you.

If you don't know how to comfort a woman, just don't say anything at all. Otherwise, you will get onto her bad side. I let out a terrible groan when I heard Heather shouting my name from upstairs, "I'm coming Heather!!" I yelled back, this is why I'm never having children.

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