Chapter 7

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Author's note: Alrighty, I know that we're not at 100 views but since I love you guys so much I updated! Hope you enjoy this chapter, please don't forget to vote! Love you xx! 

Heather's P.O.V.

This is so awesome, I get to be on a private jet! A private jet is taking me to my performance, wow, a girl can dream! As we landed in LAX, I could sense and feel that the paparazzi were already outside waiting, just great. Dad looked out through the window and shook his head, "Shannon, paparazzi." He said.

"Alrighty kiddo, let's get going!" Shannon said, grabbing onto me as we stepped off of the jet, instantly being bombarded with flashes and screams, "Just keep walking, you're almost there." She encouraged, now I see why mom sent her to come along.

How the heck was dad already waiting for us in the limo, but obviously he forgot about the most important thing in his life! ME! Because the next thing I knew, the limo zoomed off. "Oh crap." I heard Shannon mutter as the paparazzi got closer to us.

"Seriously dad?" I muttered as Shannon turned around to face the paparazzi, "Guys, am I right, always forgetting things, but I mean, how could you forget your own flesh and blood?" She joked as I just rolled my eyeballs. That's when mom called me, oh boy:

H: Hiya mom.

K: Sweetheart are you okay?? Why did you dad just leave without you two?

H: I honestly have no idea, but I do hope that he's going to come back soon, the paparazzi are going crazy here.

K: I can tell, it's already made the headlines, John Mayer forgets about his daughter Heather and friend Shannon Woodward. Oh he's getting it.

H: Mom it's okay, I'm sure everything's going to be okay, and wait, it's already gone viral?

K: Yes, how else do you think I know about this, I'm not some saint.

H: True that

K: Do you want to be on my bad side too?

H: No I do not, mom, okay I think that's the limo, bye.

I ended the call, and yep, it was the limo. Shannon did not look too pleased, let's just say. We got into the limo and the first thing Shannon did was jump onto him and start hitting him, I quickly pulled out my phone and took a video of this hilarious moment before sending it to mom.

Then I decided to pull Shannon off, "Dad seriously, it hasn't even been a day and you've already lost me almost." I laughed, "Why the hell are you laughing?" Shannon said, slapping my shoulder, wow that hurt, how does mom deal with her?

"John Mayer!" She spat, "I'm sorry, I thought you guys took another limo or something because you guys got off before I did." She just narrowed her eyes, "Yeah, cause you totally hired two limos you idiot." Mom calling, so I put her on speaker:

H: Hi mom, guys shut up, it's mom.

S: Katheryn, your boyfriend is a totally douchebag, we almost got killed by the paparazzi. And his excuse is totally lame.

K: Alright Shannon, easy there girl. John?

J: Hi honey.

K: John you're supposed to watch after her and you almost lost her, thank goodness I sent Shannon with you guys otherwise she would have been lost.

J: I know, I promise from now on I'll watch over her really carefully okay?

K: You better, I better not have all my crew members come running into my room shoving the headlines into my face again.

H: Go Tam! I mean, aww poor mommy.

K: You're so lucky I love you and that you're far away from me right now, otherwise, you'd get it pretty bad, darling.

HeatherWhere stories live. Discover now