Chapter 27

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Heather's P.O.V.

Standing right in front of me, well, a little bit farther than right in front of me was my liar of a boyfriend. He literally looked like I just slapped him, once I regained my senses I grabbed my ice cream cup, which still had about half left, and threw it towards his head.

This got everyone's attention, which was just like two couples and one college student since it was so late already. The ice cream managed to get onto his hair and face, but my aim isn't too good, so the rest went onto the wall.

My eyes have never had so much fire in them before, "Heather I can explain..." He said as I laughed, "Oh yeah, well then let's hear it, let's hear what it is you could possibly have to explain. Let's see, I called you like thirty minutes ago and you said you were in your studio, which is in Canada! And I'm pretty sure we're not in Canada right now." I yelled.

"Heather, let's go to a quiet place and I will explain everything and why I lied to you okay, please." Right, I forgot that he is extremely famous right now and I can't ruin his name, so I just nodded.

Once we went into the gender neutral bathroom, I know, not the best place to hide but it's better than being public. "You also want to explain to me why Camilla's voice was in the background when I was calling you? She's here isn't she, and you were going to buy ice cream for...oh God." I said, covering my face with my hands, I'm only 14...

"I'm not cheating on you, I swear. I admit that I did lie to you, only because I didn't want you to think that I was cheating on you because it really does look like that right now. But I promise you that I would never cheat on you, you know that I'm not that type of guy. I only lied about my location because Camilla and I are going to be collaborating on a new song and the music video is going to be shot here, and I was going to get us some ice cream so we could talk about it more."

"Shawn, my mom is your mentor's wife, I've learned from his mistakes in the past and I can tell when someone is lying or not. There is no music video to be filmed yet because you haven't even created your album yet, you haven't even recorded your song, remember?" I said sadly.

"Both my parents are singers, I know how the process works, and you definitely don't shoot videos until you at least record the song. Shawn, if you don't tell me the truth right now, we are over." I said, looking into his teary eyes.

"It's complicated, Heather." He said softly, "Yeah, you lied to me twice in the past half hour, are you really going to make it three times?" I just shook my head, "I can't be with someone who isn't truthful, especially since I caught him in the act."

I opened the door and walked out a bit before bumping into Camilla, only making me laugh and turn towards Shawn. "Camilla, he's all your now, we're through." I said, looking straight at him.

"No Heather please!" He said, grabbing my hand, "We are no longer together, so if you touch me one more time I will call for security." I threatened, "I am not cheating on you, Camilla and I are just friends!" He said.

"You better clean that ice cream off your face, it's gonna get into a sticky mess if you don't." I smiled before walking away, well, this relationship of mine lasted just about like three days longer than Riley.

I covered my cries as I entered a hair salon, I turned towards the owner, "Can you please close for tonight, I know you still have a whole two hours to go but please, I will pay you extra, I don't want the media to see me crying, it's gonna get so complicated." Thankfully she agreed as I made my way to a chair.

I pulled out my phone to see many missed calls from mom, dad, Shannon, even people from mom's crew. But I opened Shawn's name and sent him a text:

Do not tell the media about this, pretend like we are still dating, I don't want my parents to find out about this until things calm down a little, do this one last favor for me, please.

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