Chapter 59

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Heather's P.O.V.

"Well, at least mom and dad are feeling a bit better." I said, shutting down the globe after watching their little reunion. I couldn't help but feel a little jealous knowing that they are back together and I'm not, I've spent the past couple of days thinking about that 100% sureness.

I know I definitely want to go back, but I'm pretty sure I'm not at the 100% rate and when they say that can detect lies, they really can. Not joking about that one. I want mom's love more than anything right now, just to be in her arms.

I've been alone for way too long up here, waking up alone and then going back to bed alone, barely talking to anyone throughout the day will drive you insane eventually. I don't know how everyone does it up here, I really don't.

The only time I wasn't bored was during the war with Hell, not that I wanted that at all but it at least gave me something to do. Cleo is pretty good company, but she only visits me a couple of times a week and that's considered good due to her terribly busy schedule.

Speaking of Cleo, that's when she suddenly appeared. "Are you ready to take the test?" She asked, she was out of breath, which never happens like ever. "I don't know, I know I'm not going to pass it but I really want to go back down there." I said.

She looked at me for a second, "Honey you can't just go down there because you're bored up here, those tests are accurate to the millionth decimal and percent, you can't lie at all, so be sure." She said.

"I don't know if I will ever reach that 100%, I know I won't but I really am dying up here Cleo, it's so boring. Maybe not for you but I have no one to talk to, nothing to do, it's so boring and I want to be with my family." I said sadly.

Just then, a couple of other guys appeared in my house. Seriously, it's not an open house, people can't just appear as they please. "Your highness, your presence is needed immediately at the Pearl Tower." One of them said, bowing down. She nodded and looked at me, "Remember, and please get me an answer soon, I may be a Goddess but that doesn't give me every single power in Heaven, I can't keep holding this off much longer okay?"

"I promise, really soon, thanks." I said as she nodded and disappeared with them following right behind her, I let out a groan as I heard my doorbell being rung. And I thought I wanted to be alone, this is such a coincidence.

"Riley, what the hell are you doing in my house?" I asked, trying to slam the door, but he only forced himself past me, "Well suit yourself." I muttered before closing the door and facing him.

He looked so angry, fuming is the correct word I presume. "Your Cleo thought that she could keep me trapped, make me disappear just because I wanted to talk to you. I told her that I would talk to you either way, yet here I am, you alone and without your mommy to protect you." He said.

"She's not my mom and I don't need her to protect you, I can take you down myself if I wanted to." I said, gritting my teeth. "Oh you are not strong enough, and trust me, Cleo will be occupied for quite some time." He smirked.

Then it hit me, Pearl Tower... "What did you do to one of the most beautiful buildings in Heaven??" I screamed, only for him to laugh, "Nothing you need to worry about, trust me."

He suddenly grabbed me by the waist and forced himself onto me, when he was about to kiss me, I kneed him hard in the groin, causing him to fall over. But before I could leave, he shot a rope towards me, completely tying around my arms and legs and causing me to also fall over.

"Hell that hurt!" He groaned, I wiggled my fingers a little, causing heat to form and burn through the ropes. Once I was free, I leaped into the air and disappeared, of course, after making sure he couldn't escape.

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