Chapter 34

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Heather's P.O.V.

So much has been going on in my personal life lately, so much that I just want to curl up into a ball and cry until my eyes bleed to death. I obviously don't want to stress mom and dad more than they need to be stressed, and if I talk to Shannon she'll just tell mom, which won't help.

And plus, my parent's lives have been in danger for literally the past three days, but I saw the news of them boarding the plane, so they'll be okay. There is so much pressure in school, being a sophomore I have to make sure my grades are good, and I'm preparing for the SAT now.

Even kids in normal families have a hard time balancing their academic and personal lives out, I'm not a kid in a normal family. One minute my parents are in danger and the next minute, somehow I'm being chased down the street by paparazzi.

Yeah that actually happened once, let's just say that mom and dad were not too pleased. I'm currently pacing back and forth in my room, even though it's 4 am, mom and dad are supposed to be landing in around 5 more hours.

All I really want right now is to hug mom, that's the one wish I have, but I know that that's not going to happen. I can't call her either because she's on a plane. I sighed and sat down onto my bed as a tear fell down my face, why can't I just be a normal girl?

3 hours later...

Well I got no sleep, I cried throughout the night into my pillow so Shannon wouldn't hear me. The last thing I need is for her to tell mom she heard me crying, then I'll get a nonstop lecture from mom.

I wrote Shan a note and stuck it onto her door before getting on my bike and pedaling to school. You'd think that with such famous parents I would have a personal driver, but I was not raised that way, I am not spoiled, I just have a stubborn and bitchy personality sometimes.

The school day dragged on as usual, just adding more stress to my already stressed out life. Boy drama, grades, SAT, family, am I supposed to survive? Oh, speaking of boys, there is this guy that apparently likes me, but I have no feelings for him.

Won't leave me the hell alone, follows me freaking everywhere I go, it gets annoying after a while, trust me. I pulled out my phone to see a bunch of missed calls and texts from mom and dad, my goodness I can't go on my phone during school.

I just ignored it for now and biked to my dance studio, where I got another lecture since I gained two pounds. I'm 5'6" and I weigh 106 pounds now, I was 104 but I've been stress eating lately. My personal trainer was not happy at all, see, more stress.

One day I'm just going to burst, I don't know when that day is, but when you put a fake smile on for long enough, you will burst one day. When that day comes for me, it's not going to be pretty at all.

"I know you have cravings, but you need to control what you put into your body okay? Now take another mile." Instead of dancing, we are having a fitness day, a day each week just to stay or get into better shape.

I let out a huge groan as I began running around the track, running isn't hard for me, I just really despise it. After running half of it, I saw mom and dad walking towards my trainer, who didn't see them yet since her back was facing them.

I suddenly saw mom and dad jumping up and down, along with my personal trainer. It looks like they were pointing to the direction ahead of me, what? BANG!!! The next second, I was on the ground, wow that hurt.

I opened my eyes to find myself laying down under a tree, how on earth did I manage to run off of the track and into a tree? The power of parents I guess. "Oh my goodness sweetie, are you okay?" Mom said, bending over and placing her hand on me.

HeatherWhere stories live. Discover now