Chapter 24

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Heather's P.O.V.

"Why is this mall so crowded today, especially on a night that Katy Perry is holding a concert like thirty minutes away." Shawn said as we tried shoving our way out of a store, he just answered his own question.

"Well Shawn for starters, you're here, and second of all, you're here." I smiled as he wrapped his arm around my waist. I've learned to live with the fact that there are going to be girls constantly trying to get his attention, I really wasn't used to it in the beginning, but Shawn reassured me that he's all mine.

"Oooh, this looks so cute, I bet Aaliyah would love it." I said, holding out a blue dress, it was just her size, perfect." I smiled, "Heather you don't always have to get Aaliyah stuff, I'm her brother and I don't always think about her." He joked.

"Well I don't have a sister, and she's practically a sister to me, so might as well spoil her." I continued looking around the store as Shawn went to sign a few autographs and take some pictures, like I said before, I've grown used to it now.

I let out a huge scream when the girl next to me sudden screamed, "OMG KATY PERRY FAINTED ON STAGE!!!" My eyes widened as I quickly grabbed her phone, it was posted onto Instagram just a few seconds ago. Shawn was by my side instantly, he grabbed onto me and started leading me towards the exit.

I held in tears as we battled our way through, I need to control my anger. Everyone was still trying to get his attention, but thankfully he didn't seem to care about anything else right now.

Once we arrived at the arena, it was nuts. Thankfully mom's dancers were keeping everyone entertained, everyone started screaming when they saw me and Shawn. We ignored everyone as we made our way towards the stage.

"I need to get backstage." I said to one of mom's security guards, "Well if we let every single fan through backstage couldn't hold everyone, now back off." My jaw dropped, but before I could say anything, Shawn said, "How can you not recognize Katy Perry's daughter?" I've never seen him so angry before.

"Oh, I am very sorry, right this way." I sighed before quickly running after him, I just hope that mom is okay.

Katy's P.O.V.

As I was singing Unconditionally, another vision popped into my head. It was the time when John and I were taking Heather out for ice cream, I know, nothing abnormal.

Heather, being only two years old at the time, was running and John and I were doing our best to try and chase after her. Ever seen parents failing miserably trying to chase their little kids, yep, that was us.

Heather suddenly lost her balance and she tripped, the bad thing was that she fell onto the street, where cars and bikes were going their ways. The fear that I felt at the moment, nothing can beat it.

I remember putting everything I had into my strength, to try and get to Heather in time to pull her away from being crushed by a bike that was headed towards her way. John managed to get there before me, the biker had slowed down, but didn't manage to fully stop at the time, so he ran John over.

They weren't unconscious, but pretty badly hurt. Even at that moment, John worried about Heather first instead of the fact that he was hurt. He quickly pulled Heather into his arms and by the time I got there, she was safe and away from the street.

"Mommy..." She cried as I picked her up and gently rocked her, I bent down and wrapped another arm around John, who had bruises and blood everywhere, I just cried, I didn't say anything.

The two most important people in my life were both hurt, and I was too weak to protect them. The song Unconditionally was inspired by this event, and singing this song caused me remember the fear I had for Heather's life at the point.

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