Chapter 48

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Katy's P.O.V.

The concert was suddenly stopped midway because my voice just couldn't continue anymore, and my heart was also failing as well. Singing all those songs slowly ripped my heart in half, and when I was singing Unconditionally, I just lost my voice.

No sound came out of my mouth, so I was immediately lowered backstage and someone had to go up there and explain. Everyone is getting their money back, it wouldn't be fair to them if they paid for the full concert and only got to see half of it.

"A singer lost her voice, don't you dare tell me to calm down right now!" Tamra yelled at Bradford, who was trying to calm her down. Tam has been doing nothing but trying to revive my voice box. She's been forcing me to drink this and that, eat this and that, do exercises and etc.

But all I could think about was John, is this really the end of Jaty? What would happen to Cedric if we actually got a divorce? I screwed up, I had sex with another man, I don't expect him to not leave me.

Even when I'm crying I couldn't make any noises, I've never lost my voice this terribly before. And believe me, Russell and I argued way more than I just did with John, and I didn't even lose my voice. The only reason I don't want John to leave is because I don't want to get left another time.

I love John, I really do, which is why I'm going to respect his decisions. I want him to be happy, and being with an adulterous wife is not going to make him happy. I promised myself I wouldn't get hurt by another man, and I somehow did keep that promise, it's just me hurting him now.

"You know what whatever, you're not going to listen to me, Bradford!!" Tamra yelled, snapping me out of my thoughts. "She's obviously not listening to me so I need you to carry her to the limo, it's already outside." She barked, I just continued staring at the wall until I felt myself float into the air.

The moment we were outside of the arena, I immediately shut my eyes because the cameras began flashing. I turned my head into Brad's chest as I gripped his arm, meaning for him to walk faster. Damn it, where the hell is the limo?

"Doesn't seem like you to just lose your voice Katy, did something happen between you and John? Were you arguing too much, is that why you lost your voice?"

"I bet you one million that they're going to get a divorce within the week!"

"I won't need your million then because I'm going to make a fortune out of the headlines!"

"We are really looking forward to another year of Katheryn Elizabeth Hudson depression, but honestly if she actually does kill herself this time, we won't have a money maker anymore!"

"It's alright, I knew their marriage wasn't going to last, her personality is like a five year old's! I honestly wonder how John puts up with her."

"Maybe she's just really good in bed, maybe that's why he kept her."

Normally I would have cried, but I've been famous for nearly 15 years now, I'm used to all of this nonsense. They have no fucking idea what the hell they're doing, they have nothing better to do with their lives.

I just continued silently crying throughout the limo ride, hotel night, and the next morning, where we boarded my jet again to the destination of New York. I have one last interview there before I fly down to LA again, where I can just have some peace and quiet. Spend some time with my son.

Cedric's P.O.V.

"You're going to leave mom???" I yelled as I ran into dad's room to find him packing his luggage. He just sighed and looked at me, "Cedric this is none of your business, go back to your room now." He said, clearly annoyed, where the hell is Shannon?

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