Chapter 17

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Heather's P.O.V.

When we arrived at the hospital, I was shocked to find people surrounding mom's room, like literally I couldn't even find a spot to breathe, it was that crowded, worse than mom's most populous concert.

Thankfully the security showed up just in time to help us get through, I swear that getting mobbed is honestly not the best feeling in the world. I could feel dad gripping my arm tightly, trying to pull me through the crowd of people.

Once we finally made it into mom's room, we were met by another surprise. "Oh Heather sweetheart!" Mom said, beginning to cry. Wow, wasn't she supposed to be in a coma for another week or something, not that I'm complaining, it's just a bit shocking.

I quickly pushed that aside and ran towards her, engulfing her in a huge hug. "Mom I'm so sorry, I never meant to say that to you, I guess I just lost it." I cried as she held on to me, I missed her hugs so much, so, so much. It's the best feeling in the world to be back in her arms again.

"I love you so much sweetie, I should have opened my eyes more to realize what was going on, I should have never tried to leave you, oh gosh what was I thinking?" She said, I could feel her tears landing onto my shirt, but I didn't care.

"Mom don't blame yourself, I pushed you way too far. I may not understand exactly how you felt at that time, but I can understand somewhat the feeling of your daughter saying such things to you, I hurt you, and you tried to leave because of me, I'm the one that should be saying sorry." I said, burying my head into her chest.

"Sweetie please, don't..." She couldn't finish her sentence before she started sobbing, she took one hand away from me to cover her mouth. "Katy, don't cry honey, what matters is that we're all together now aren't we?" Dad said, gently pulling me away from mom and onto Shannon.

I watched as mom and dad hugged each other, they are so lucky to have each other in their lives, yet I come into the picture and always almost ruin their almost perfect lives.

But I guess that without me, they wouldn't have to deal with as much trouble, as fun as that may sound sometimes, it really is not. Dad let go of mom and gave her a long kiss before turning towards me, "My two beautiful girls, I'm so happy to have you guys in my life, and Shannon, my beautiful yet annoying woman sometimes, I'm honestly so happy that I got to meet you." He said, giving us a huge hug.

My family may not be perfect, but it definitely is as close to perfect as a family could ever be.

One week later...

Today mom officially starts touring again even though everyone in her crew and family, me included, told her to postpone some of the shows due to her recent hospitalization. But such a strong woman like her could handle it, and please she heals so quickly it's almost unbelievable.

Her touring again means me having to start school, mom and dad apparently went behind my back and cancelled the whole me going on tour with them because they said that it won't be healthy for me to be travelling all the time while I'm studying.

So their dumb solution was for me to stay with Sofia and continue my boring middle school back in LA while mom went on tour with Shannon and dad goes onto his own tour. With this very irrational decision I feel like the family is going to split apart.

It won't be healthy for our family, especially since we got off the wrong foot and we are finally doing better together, and now guess what, we're broken up again. Mom travels to different places literally every three days, so it's going to be a while before she can visit me.

And since she and dad are both on tour, the chances of the three of us being together again are very slim. Meaning that I'm back to my old life, speaking of old life, Johnny got fired and a new woman named Chelsea got hired.

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