Chapter 39

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Heather's P.O.V.

It's been awhile since all those events occured, and to be honest, I'm glad that we are far away from them. Mom and dad are still getting over the fact that mom can't get pregnant anymore, and so am I, but it's been 6 months since all that drama has happened and we are still recovering.

Mom has been spending a lot of time lately with Shannon and her filming, which leaves me home a lot with either dad or alone when he's in the studio. Shannon films in Anaheim, but we live in Hollywood. 30 miles isn't a lot, but it's still quite some distance in my opinion.

School has been tough on me, my teachers haven't been very happy with me lately because of all the school I've missed, but I was somehow able to make up all my missing work, which sucks because it's been taking over my sleep time.

It gets so lonely in the house, I go to school alone and come back alone once again. It's like my parents aren't even here anymore, mom usually just stays with Shannon cause she complains about the drive time which honestly isn't even that long.

Dad sometimes will go and visit them, leaving me home alone once more. I'm not sure if they've been having some issues, hell I don't know if they're still married because they never tell me anything.

How can they when I don't even see them anymore? Thankfully Sofia has been here with me when they're gone, of course my parents don't know otherwise knowing how easily mom gets jealous, she'll probably just get jealous.

"Heather come on, your dinner is going to get cold!" Sofia yelled as I closed my Biology textbook and ran downstairs after charging my phone. "What is that?" I asked, pointing to the chunk of green stuff on my plate.

She led me to my seat and pushed me down by the shoulders into the chair, handed me a fork and said, "Eat." I rolled my eyes and placed a forkful of that green stuff into my mouth. My eyes widened as I leaned back onto the plate to spit it out.

"Awww gross, Sofia!! What is that stuff?" I cried, "Kale mixed with some turnip leaves." I made a puking face before shaking my head, "I'm grateful that you're here and everything, but no way Jose am I eating that." I said, slumping back into the chair.

"I see, your parents have been spoiling you and your bad habits have begun to crawl back." She stated before walking towards me, "Well guess what, I may not be your mother, but I did raise you, so you will still listen to me, now eat." She snapped, handing me the fork again.

I narrowed my eyes at her without moving, "Eat Heather, otherwise I'm leaving and you will never hear from me again." She said before I let out a groan and began shoving the food down my throat while holding my breath.

"Healthy food is usually not that tasty, that's a fact known, but you also need healthy food to survive. Now chillax and continue eating, I'm going to go get your main course." I almost puked when she said that, oh great, there's freaking more of this nonsense I gotta eat.

The thing is, I could never be rebellious with Sofia, she never tolerated my bad habits. But mom and dad, they allowed me to be rebellious, which is weird. Sofia came back with a plate of pasta, "PASTA????" I shouted, almost too happily.

"Yes, but only because you finished eating your so called salad." She smiled before handing me the plate, oh my goodness this is so delicious. If only mom could cook this well, I wouldn't be this skinny. Speaking of mom, I'm supposed to call her at 8:00 pm every night, and it's 8 right now.

"Yes I know honey, it's 8, go and get your phone now." Sofia said as I nodded and ran upstairs, dialing mom's number:

K: Hi sweetheart, how's everything going?

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