Chapter 10

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Author's note: Hey guyzzzz, there is going to be some cute fluff in this chapter because I've realized that this afterall is a Jaty fanfiction, lol. This is the last chapter that does not contain too much drama cause we have not reached the plot yet, the next chapter is when the plot and drama begins!

I'm gonna stop talking now and let you read, enjoy :)

Katy's P.O.V.

When we finally arrived in Montana, I let out a huge sigh. This brought back so many of my memories with John, the place where we made Heather, and the place where Heather was born. Everything was so perfect until I had to ruin it all by leaving here to go to LA, for selfish reasons.

"Hey Kate, are you alright?" John asked, putting his hand on my thigh. "Yeah, this place just brought back so many memories." I said, putting on a fake smile, something John is used to by now.

We stepped out of the car and into the driveway, "This is sick, this is where my grandparents live??" Heather shrieked, I laughed and pulled her into a hug, "Yep, we are going to be staying here for a while. Now remember, be nice and have manners okay?" I said.

"I got it, now let's go!" Right when she said that, the front door opened, revealing Margaret and Richard's face, wow, it has been a really long time since I've seen them. The last time I saw them it was when I turned down John's proposal, it was very awkward.

"Mom, dad!" John said, giving them each a big hug as I held onto Heather's hand with a big smile. "Wow Katy, you still look so beautiful!" Margaret said, rushing to give me a hug, which I gladly accepted. "Look who's talking." I said while laughing.

"Oh you,, absolutely no way, is this Heather?" She asked, pointing at Heather. "Yeah, my little girl is already a teenager." I said sadly, Heather let go of me and gave her grandma a hug, "I can't believe I'm finally meeting you!" She squealed.

I wanted to cry, I took all of this away from her, she had to grow up without her parents or relatives. But I had to stay strong, I couldn't break down in front of her and ruin her visit again. But I honestly think that John noticed, because he came over and wrapped an arm around my waist.

Both of our parents know what happened with Heather, they just didn't know that we got her back again. We are officially her guardians as of a day ago, where we went to court on our way to Montana and signed some papers, the best feeling I've ever felt in such a long time.

"Now come on inside, you guys must be tired and starving!" Richard said, after talking to Heather for a while. I was about to walk in but I felt his grip tighten around me, "Katy and I will be a minute, Shannon, can you go with her?" John asked as she nodded and the four of them walked into the house.

Once the door closed, he turned towards me, "Katy, what's wrong? Don't say nothing because I have known you for way too long to know when you are lying and when you aren't." He said, caressing my cheek with one hand while the other still was tightly wrapped around me.

That's when I let a few tears fall down, "Katy, honey, please don't cry, please talk to me." He said, gently kissing my tears away. How did I ever get so lucky, "John, it's fine, it's nothing, being back in Montana has brought back so many memories." Well, that technically was half the truth, I couldn't tell him about the guilt I was feeling, I just couldn't do that to him.

"I know, we had a lot of good memories here, and it can be hard to revisit them, but I mean, Heather is with us now, we can always make more memories, right?" He said, I just simply nodded.

"Now come on babe, it's getting hot out here." When we entered the house, the first thing that caught my attention was pain. I felt a very hard thing suddenly hit my stomach, causing me to clutch over and fall onto the ground, cursing on my way down.

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