Chapter 52

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Heather's P.O.V.

I broke down in tears the moment I appeared back in Heaven, the laws are very clear and strict up here, as soon as the family is no longer in danger, I have to come back up here otherwise they will take away this privilege, and I'll have to watch them get hurt.

Hugging mom was the part that made me cry, I remembered how loving and welcoming her hug was. A picture is worth a thousand words, in my case, a hug is worth a thousand words and emotions.

I never knew how much I missed them until a few seconds ago, as I continued watching them through the glass, I cried harder. We had so many bad memories, which probably exceed the good ones we ever had, but all I want more than anything right now is to be back with my family.

I thought that some separation could be the solution to my anger towards her, but it wasn't, it made me even sadder than I was before. I fell to the ground crying and crying, not knowing what to do in a situation like this. At least they're safe.

Katy's P.O.V.

"My baby!!" I screamed for the thousandth time once John set me onto the couch, I have no idea how he managed to get me into the car and back into the house. I felt like my heart was being slowly ripped open right now, the pain is unbearable.

I know she never really was my daughter, but I carried her for nine months and then went through labor to give birth to her, no matter what, I will always love her because she is a piece of me.

I heard John tell Cedric something before he walked over to me and kneeled down so we were face to face. "Oh Katy, what are we going to do." He said with tears in his eyes before wrapping his arms around me and sniffling. "John, my child, I can't believe I hugged my dead child." I cried.

We continued crying for a long time and eventually Ced walked into the living room, "Guys, I made some soup, I know you probably don't have any appetite but you need to eat." He said gently, I just ran my hand through my hair and let out another sob in response.

"Okay, then I guess I'll bring it here." He said before leaving, if I knew I was going to be such a terrible mom I would have never had kids in the first place. They are the ones that have to constantly suffer because of me, the mom who was never there for her kids.

My kids are so independent, they do everything by themselves, it's like they raised themselves. Both of them maintained perfect grades, Heather would have had such a bright future if it weren't for me, and hopefully Cedric won't be destroyed any further by me.

He placed the soup beside us on the little table by the couch, I rolled my head over to see that it was my favorite kind, tomato soup. "Aww baby come here." I said, sitting up so he could sit down next to me, which he did.

I wrapped my arms around him and just sat there holding him, I didn't give him enough love. Most of the time I was touring, and when I was back John had to go tour, we were never together as a family, that must have really affected him deep down.

"You know I love you, right?" I said, looking at my boy, "Yeah I know, and I love you guys too." He said, I kissed his forehead before I handed a bowl of soup to John and the other to myself.

"Mmm this is delicious, Ced." I said once I drank a spoonful, it really was good. I don't know where he learned to cook because I certainly didn't teach him, and John doesn't have the time to either.

Once we finished the soup, I gave John the look and he turned to Cedric. "Hey buddy, I need to talk to you about something, let's go up to your room." He said before leaving the room with Cedric. There wasn't anything John needed to talk to him about, it was mainly because they are both guys and sometimes it's better for a son to talk to his dad than his mom.

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