Chapter 32

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Katy's P.O.V.

The entire plane ride I was either crying or I was too quiet, John wasn't much better either, but we both knew that this was part of our job, and we couldn't let down tens of thousands of people for selfish reasons.

John would occasionally comfort me, but I could tell that he himself needed more comforting than I probably needed. So I calmed myself down a bit and walked over, sat on his lap as he wrapped his arms around my waist, burying his face into my chest, or more like my boobs.

Like father like daughter, Heather also likes to rest her head on my boobs, they are a pillow to be honest. I mean, even that monkey in Roar fell in love with them. "John...we'll be okay, we have great security guards, they won't let anything happen to us." I said, running my hand through his hair, something that calms him.

I'm not scared to die, I'm scared about leaving Heather. She never really had a mother in her life, and now that her mother is back in her life, she's about to leave her again. I can't do that to Heather, I just can't. But I also can't let anything happen to my husband either. It's so hard being a woman sometimes.

John just held me and we continued crying, thankfully his crew had already gotten used to it. When I told Bradford about this, boy was he pissed off. He even threatened to tie me up and keep me in a basement if that is what he had to do to prevent me from going, but I insisted.

So the one other thing he could do, is send a bunch of guards, himself, and Tamra along with me, just in my private jet that should be just an hour later in arrival at the airport.

I took a deep breath and calmed myself down a little, John and I have to do this, we have to make it.

Heather's P.O.V.

So apparently Shannon drugged me again, and what's a bigger shock is that mom actually agreed to it this time. Which is why I'm so curious, since when has mom ever allowed Shannon to drug her daughter, exactly, never, but she did this time.

Which can only mean one thing, she's hiding something from me. It would explain her weird behavior these past two days, I got a paper cut and she started crying while holding me. I was so weirded out.

And when she left, I mean, she's just leaving to perform at a concert, goodness woman. She was crying and it seemed like she was saying goodbye goodbye to me before leaving, weird thing is that I fell unconscious before she stepped out of the door.

So I never got to see her leave, but I know she did because when I googled up her, there were pictures of her and dad at the airport. "SHANNON!!!" I yelled, a few seconds later, my door opened.

"Why did you drug me?" I asked, she blinked a couple of times before turning around and heading back out my room. I quickly jumped off of my bed and leaped on top of her, tackling her to the ground.

"Why did I ever agree to watch you..." She mumbled before shoving me off and getting up herself, "Answer my question, if I ever become a drug addict it'll be because of you." I said, pointing my finger at her.

"Oh chillax they aren't even drugs, they are sleeping pills. Drugs just sounded funnier, technically speaking sleeping pills are a drug, but not like pot or crack." She said, I just threw my hands up in frustration.

"Now go change, we are going out for dinner tonight." She said, pushing me back into my room and slamming the door in my face, she's joking right? "You better have an answer by the time I'm done changing!" I screamed.

What on earth could she be hiding? I've searched mom up so many times, but nothing has appeared...maybe try searching dad up? Nah, I'll search them up later, I'm actually starving right now.

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