Chapter 12

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Author's note: AHHHHHHHH 200 reads!!! Thank you guys so much!! The drama is beginning in this chapter so sit back, relax, and enjoy the words!!

Katy's P.O.V.

This week has been amazing, although I miss John and Shannon terribly, but I'm glad that I get to spend it with my daughter. We have actually bonded a lot lately, and I'm so thankful for that. We never disagree over anything, well, we barely ever do.

Just two more days and we are flying back to Montana, as I stood here and watched Heather dance, I couldn't help but feel a feeling of immense proudness. Both towards me and her, me because I'm actually here for her, and her because she's such an amazing dancer.

She dances like an angel, so gracefully and beautiful. I forced myself to not remember the past, and to think about how to make the future better. "Earth to Ms. Perry?" Johnny said, snapping his fingers in front of my face, causing me to jump a little.

"Oh sorry, what's up?" I asked, "You have a really talented daughter, and I know that rehearsal was already extended, and I know that this is a lot to ask because you guys are flying back to Montana after this, but could she maybe stay just two more days so that her trainers could work with her to make her positions better?"

I sighed, I only have two weeks to spend before my tour starts again, but if I say no, I might be putting my relationship with Heather at risk. "I don't know Johnny, give me the rest of the rehearsal to think about it, okay?" I said, putting on a fake smile.

"Okay, I just want to make sure she's perfect for the performance." He said, "Did you guys have something planned already?" He asked, "No, it's just that my tour resumes again in two weeks and I want the family to be together for the remainder of it, especially since the rehearsal was extended."

"You know what's it's like with rehearsals, they will take a lot of time sometimes, but I understand what family means, so don't feel like you have to say yes, okay?" He said, putting his hand on my shoulder. It is really weird, he's been making a lot of physical contact this past week, and it's starting to get awkward.

I just smiled and nodded as he walked away, that's when Heather came up to me. "Hey mom, what was all that about? You seemed upset." She asked, "Johnny wants you to stay for another two days after the rehearsal so your trainers can make your poses and all better, but I don't know, sweetie, what do you think?"

"That is so weird, he's never, ever done that before, and it's not normal either. Like, I know I'm the main character and all, but that's just weird, I've known him for a really long time and I've been in a lot more famous ballets, and he's never done this, I don't know why."

Me either, and I don't know what to do. "Do you know all your positions, are they so bad that you have to practice more, or what's the case?" I asked, "No, my poses are okay, they aren't perfect, but you really can't achieve perfection like anywhere."

That's when Johnny approached us again, " Hey Katy, Heather, so have the two of you made a decision yet?" If he wants Heather to stay, it must be because she really needs it, "We will stay, but no more after that." Heather looked like she was going to strangle me, but I ignored it, I needed to do what was right for her.

"That's perfect, I'll go notify your trainers." Once he left, Heather turned to me, "Mom!" She snapped, "I already told you, I sense that something fishy is going on here, why did you agree?" She hissed, "Calm down tiger, and because I'm your mom and I believe that this is the right thing to do. Plus, two extra days of training isn't going to hurt you, so suck it up and go back to practice." I said.

"Rehearsal is already over for today, and now thanks to you, we have to be away from my grandparents for another two days!" She continued snapping, "Honey I'm sorry, but some things just have to be done whether you like it or not, now let's head back to the hotel." I pulled out my phone and dialed John's number:

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