Chapter 47

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Katy's P.O.V.

Just as I was about to board the plane, John grabbed my arm and looked at Tamra, "Can you give us a minute?" He asked as they nodded and walked away, crap. How could he possibly know?

"Katy..." He said, looking deeply into my eyes, there wasn't a bit of warmth in his eyes. "John, what's going on?" I asked nervously, "Katy, the most important thing in a relationship is honesty, if you aren't going to be honest with me, I don't know if our marriage can continue."

I gasped as tears sprung to my eyes, I quickly clasped my mouth with my hand as I backed away from him. He made a promise to me that no matter what happened, we would make this marriage work because he knows what happened to me mentally and physically with my other marriage.

He didn't even walk towards me, he just stood there looking at the ground. "I don't know exactly what's going on right now, but I feel like you've been avoiding me lately, you were almost tense when I kissed you last night, what's going on?" He asked.

Then I heard Tamra yell, "Katy I know it's your jet and all but it's not going to wait for you forever, hurry up!" I took a deep breath as I looked at John, "Nothing's going on." I said softly.

"Can you promise that?" He asked, "Yes." I said, but no eye contact was made with him when I said that. He just nodded, "Okay then, call me when you land." He said before walking away, just leaving me standing there. He didn't even kiss me this time, he just...walked away.

Something I feel like he's going to do for real, really soon if he finds out the truth. I started crying, Russell cheated in my first marriage, I vowed that if I ever married again, I would be the best wife I could possibly be, but look at me now, I'm the one who's cheating.

"JOHN WAIT!!" I yelled, but then Tamra grabbed onto me, "Katy what's going on, why are you crying?" She asked as John stopped walking and looked back at me. I shook her hand off of me as I ran to John, throwing my arms around him, he just let his arms dangle at his sides.

"John we both know that if you leave right now, our marriage may as well be over. What do you think is going on?" I asked, my entire body was shaking uncontrollably, fearing his answer.

"Nothing, you said so yourself, and you even promised me that nothing is going on, why, did you lie?" He asked, I just continued crying into his shirt. "I love you with all my heart, I was there for you during your worst times, and yet you cheat on me?" He snapped, as I pulled away from him.

I felt like my entire heart was ripping in half right now, "John..." I whispered, "How stupid do you think I am?? I understand that you're in pain because of what happened to Heather, but really? I'm not? I don't go around sleeping with other people just to forget about my daughter's death for those few hours!!" He yelled.

"And you lied to me when I asked you earlier, you said nothing was going on, because when you buttdialed me during one of your sex sessions, it sure sounded the other way." My jaw dropped open, I buttdialed him??

"Did you know that feeling Katy, I had to listen to my WIFE having SEX with another man!! Am I not enough for you?? Am I good enough for you, because apparently I'm not, and if I'm not good enough for you, then we shouldn't be together anymore!" He yelled.

"John stop!!" I screamed, "You vowed to never leave me remember, no matter what happens." I said, "Ooooh right, because I can continue living with the fact that you slept with another guy, yeah, I don't think so." He said sarcastically.

"John please, I made a mistake and I'm sorry, I've given you so many chances, why can't you just give me this one??" I screamed to the point where my throat began to hurt, and you can imagine how painful that scream must have been. I did not want to say that, that was my last resort, but I had no other choice.

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