Chapter 55

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Author's note: This chapter has not been edited it was either edit it and delay the update or update it and risk a few typos, so I went with the latter. I promise I will come back and edit it within the week, enjoy :)

Heather's P.O.V.

The past few days I have been doing nothing but thinking about what Cleo said, am I really ready to hit that 100%? I want to go down to Earth so badly, especially after seeing my family, but I don't know what would happen if I were to go down.

Up here it's been so great, I haven't had to worry about anything, haven't had to worry about my parents leaving me again. It's been the exact opposite of stressful for me, which is so amazing.

But all my stress soon changed when something huge happened, something that directly links the happiness of my parents and brother, and now, me. Cedric is in trouble.

I guess he's just about had enough of me appearing and then disappearing, because a few days ago, he somehow got to the top of Capitol Records and threatened that if I wouldn't show myself, he would jump. Of course, since he wasn't actually in danger (actually falling), there was nothing I could do about.

I just prayed that he wouldn't jump, when my parents found out about this, mom nearly fainted. They rushed to the building and did everything they could to try and persuade him to come down, mom crying the entire time saying how she can't afford to lose another child.

The police, firefighters, and just about everyone was involved. They were inflating a huge mattress, but honestly that is quiet dumb because the building is so damn tall. There were also people rushing to get to the top, and people that were literally standing right next to him trying to persuade him.

The worst moment of my life happened exactly 2 days, 2 hours, 31 minutes and 4 seconds ago when Cedric jumped. I remember how I immediately headed towards the portal, crying the entire way there, but when I actually appeared on the scene, he was already too close to the ground.

I remember the look on mom and dad's faces when Cedric hit the ground, and not even the mattress, well, actually more like they both just went unconscious. I remember turning back into a hologram and bending over Cedric, who had blood everywhere, and was not breathing.

I remember crying, crying, and more crying. Cleo had to personally come down to Earth because I just laid there crying, I wouldn't move, I wouldn't budge. Cedric was pronounced dead right on the site, mom and dad are still in a coma, and it's been two days.

They've shown no sign of waking up, no movement at all, but at the very least they are still alive. Cedric is scheduled to arrive in exactly half an hour, when we will meet.

I have so many mixed emotions towards him, I want to slap him, but I also want to hug him, if that's even normal? "Cleo I can't do this, I can't do this anymore. My brother died because of me, because of all the stress I put him through, and my parents...are in a coma also because of me." I said with teary eyes.

We were all standing formally waiting for his arrival, well everyone was formal except for me, because I was just crying. Cleo put her hand on my shoulder, "This is not your fault, life is stressful either way, this is not because of you. Now stand up straight."

She waved her hand in front of my face and instantly, all my makeup was re-applied, "Thanks." I muttered before standing up nice and tall, taking deep breaths every now and then.

Since Cedric is still a minor and he died due to suicide, of course his parents are able to go into the Jungle of Souls to try and find his soul and bring him back to Earth, but with their condition, I don't think that this is going to happen.

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