Chapter 20

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Doctor Shaw's P.O.V.

I took a deep breath as I entered Heather's room, to see her trying to escape the bed one more time. "Tessa what is going on in here?" I asked, watching as Tessa was failing miserably to hold a 13 year old down.

"She's refusing the medication, doctor." She replied as Heather calmed down a bit, "I don't need any medication, the one thing that can heal me right now is seeing my parents, who somehow believe that I am dead, what is going on, why can't I go and see them?" She snapped.

"Because you are still unstable, you just woke up from a very long surgery and you're not ready to go cruising the halls just yet." I said calmly, "Well I did like five minutes ago and I'm perfectly fine, or you can just wheel this bed to my parent's room."

"I'm afraid I cannot do that, Miss Mayer." I said, with a small smirk, but thankfully she was too busy rolling her eyes to see that. "Now I can't even see my own parents, this is ridiculous." She said, about to get off the bed, I quickly gave Tessa the "look" and she nodded.

She pulled out the syringe and forced it into Heather's arm, who let out a shriek before slowly shutting her eyes. When she was completely knocked out, Tessa put her back onto the bed and we walked out of the room, completely shutting down all the lights.

"There are enough nutrients in the machine to last three more days, and after that, her body will go into starvation mode and eventually she'll pass away." She informed me, "Good, now go release Katy and John, make sure they leave the hospital and don't see Heather."

Katy's P.O.V.

I couldn't bring myself to go see my dead daughter, I just couldn't. When John signed my release forms, I knew I could leave this place, the place that claimed her life, but somehow, I just couldn't.

I turned to face the nurse, "I want to see my daughter before I leave." I said, causing everyone in the room to gasp and turn to me, especially John. Even the nurse looked shocked, well I completely understand that.

"I'm sorry miss, but..." Okay, that's when I got pissed off. "Don't you DARE tell me what to do, I just lost my daughter and I can't even see her now? If you don't let me see my daughter this instant I will sue the crap out of you and your hospital, I will make sure everyone who works here is fired and this hospital is stripped down, and let me inform you that I have the best lawyers in town, so don't push me." I said, with fire in my eyes.

"Um, okay Ms. Perry, this way please." I felt John wrap his arm around my waist, helping me off the bed before we followed the nurse. "Babe, are you sure you can do this?" John asked, I just looked straight ahead, "Of course I can't, but I owe this to myself and to her."

I got to this one point where I just got tired of crying, so I just stopped, crying isn't going to bring her back, so why the tears? When we walked into the room, I let out a small cry, so much for my personal lecture about not crying.

Her entire body was wrapped in bandages, I continued staring at the body, something just wasn't right, or it was just me not wanting to believe that my daughter laid dead right before my eyes.

"Katy, is it just me, or do you also have the feeling that something fishy is going on here?" Shannon whispered into my ears, then I looked at John, who also had that puzzling look on his face, she's right.

"Okay, you've seen your daughter, now please leave." The nurse said, I looked at her with that 'are you serious' look, then I turned my attention back to Heather as I walked closer to the body.

"Unwrap the bandages from her face please." I said, but she didn't move. Okay fine, I'll do it myself then. When I brought my hand to her face, the nurse suddenly said, "You cannot touch the patient because of the tubes connected to her, it'll mess everything up."

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