Chapter 16

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Shannon's P.O.V.

Laying right in front of me, was an unconscious Katy. The blood in my veins started slowing down as my heart started beating slower, I felt like I was going to pass out any second. But if I passed out, who would save Katy? I could hear John yelling my name on the other end, but I didn't care, I couldn't even finish my sentence.

SNAP OUT OF IT SHANNON!!! I took a deep breath and quickly dialed 911, giving them the address and hotel number before starting to do CPR on Katy. "Come on you idiot, how could you do this, I thought I told you not to do anything stupid!" I screamed and cried, trying to revive her.

There weren't any cuts on her, no blood either, so I'm assuming she took some sort of pills to knock herself out. "You left your own daughter! You left your boyfriend! You left your best friend and all your fans!" I continued crying while giving her CPR, I can't lose her, I just can't.

She wasn't responding at all, not breathing either. I knew I should have broken the door sooner, speaking of breaking doors, there was a huge thump. It must be the ambulance people.

"Please help her, I don't know what she took to knock herself out, you have to save her!" I cried as one of them held me back, "Ma'am we will do our best, but you need to give us some space." One of the men said, "No, she's my best friend!" I screamed as they strapped her onto a gurney and headed out of the room.

I broke free from the guy who was holding me back and ran after them, "Ma'am are you family?" A woman asked me as they put Katy into the ambulance, "Yes." I said without even thinking, she nodded and let me inside, praying the entire time she would be okay.

Heather's P.O.V.

I started zoning out when Shannon stopped responding to dad, and instead, starting screaming and crying mom's name. Something bad happened to her, and she's hurt because of me. This isn't right, and I know I have to do something to fix this.

"Dad, we are flying back to LA, we have to go see mom." I said, holding back my own tears, I have to be strong for dad. He nodded and we boarded the jet again, this time, I tried calling Shannon before the jet took off:

H: Shannon which hospital are you guys in right now, dad and I are headed back to LA.

S: I'll text you the address.

H: What happened, is mom okay?

S: She's unconscious and not breathing, they are working on her right now and I'm in the waiting room, oh gosh I'm so scared.

H: We'll be there really soon, hang in there, let me know once the doctor tells you anything okay?

S: Okay, fly safe, I don't know what I would do if I lost you too.

How can such happiness be turned into pain so quickly? All it took was one person to come in and ruin everything for us, but I have a feeling that this is going to make us stronger.

When we finally arrived at the hospital three hours later, we were greeted by a red-eyed Shannon. "Shannon, any news?" I asked, out of breath. "They said that she's stable, and that she should wake up within this week." I let out a huge scream as I started jumping up and down while beginning to cry.

My mom is going to be okay, my mommy is going to be alright, this feeling that I'm feeling right now, I never want it to end, ever. I never knew that me protecting her would lead to this, but I guess that I have to find other ways of protecting her in the future.

Dad put his arms around me as he hugged me, I'm honestly so glad that mom is okay. "The doctor said that you can go in and see her." Shannon said, putting her hand on my shoulder, I nodded.

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