Chapter 56

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Heather's P.O.V.

I woke up the next morning to hear a bunch of shouting, instantly catching my attention. I leaped off of my bed and darted towards the main hall where I found Cedric arguing with Lucas, oh just what I needed to start the day off with.

"I told you you cannot wander around Heaven the first few days without someone accompanying you!" Lucas yelled, "Well obviously my sister isn't a choice and all of you guys are siding with her, so how am I supposed to know you were showering here?" Cedric snapped.

"Um because there was water flowing and I was humming, how is that not obvious?" Lucas yelled, "Okay guys please, Cedric, apologize to Lucas now." I said, putting my hands on my hips. "You aren't the boss of me, from what I remember, you abused me yesterday." He spat before beginning to walk away.

I just about lost my temper again, so I clenched my fist and the next thing I knew, there was a rope tied around him, causing him to fall to the ground. I unclenched my fist, allowing him to breathe properly.

I then flew over to him and bent down, "No matter how terrible of a sister I was, you're still my brother, and I will not allow you to talk to me like that. And about last night, a slap was too little to express my true anger towards you. If the Gods were not present, you would have been in the emergency hospital by now." I whispered before walking back to Lucas.

"I am so sorry, I promise I will watch over him." I said as he fixed his towel, "SIblings am I right, gotta love them." He laughed before walking back into the bathroom. I let out a huge sigh as I looked over at Cedric, "Where the hell did he go?" I said.

"Cedric this is not funny!" I yelled, beginning to run around the room searching for him. I let out a very frustrated groan as I coated the entire room with a thick layer of yellow dust, almost like pixie dust.

This dust allows me to detect any movement, once I saw a slight movement, I shot webs of strings at it before flying towards it. I covered my mouth when I realized who I had literally just shot to the ground, "Oh my goodness I am so sorry your highness." I said, beginning to untangle Cleo from the mess I put her in.

"Heather, do you want to explain to me what is going on?" She said in a queenly voice as I helped her up, "My brother was causing trouble and now I lost him, so I was trying to use heat waves and movement to find him, I thought you were him." I said quietly.

"How did you get out of your room, I thought I put a spell on it to stop you from exiting." She said, "I don't know, I just flew out like any other time." I said, shrugging my shoulders, "Wait you what?" I said, realizing what she just said.

"I didn't want you to stress out about him any longer, so I basically put your room on lockdown. You've been through quite your share in life, you don't deserve to go through anything terrible anymore." She said.

"He's my brother and he's causing trouble, I won't let this happen." I said before pushing her away from me and jumping up back into the sky. After just flying around in the sky for nearly hours, I finally spotted him sitting on top of a building with a girl.

I rolled my eyes, this entire time he has been with a girl? "Cedric!" I yelled from up above, causing him to jump a little, causing the girl to slip out of his arms and tumble off of the building. "Nina!" He yelled as I immediately created a net that caught her in midair.

As Cedric jumped off of the building as well, I shot a rope at him and it tangled around him before he could reach her. I threw some dust onto Nina and she disappeared from his sight, I just turned her invisible that's all. I'll deal with her later, she should suffer for a while.

"What the hell did you do to her??" He screamed as I threw him onto the grass once we landed, "SHE is the least of your problems right now." I yelled, "Who the heck is she? And you better not lie to me otherwise I may actually hurt you this time." I warned, pointing my finger at him. As he was about to get up, I shot another wave of light towards him, trapping him on the ground.

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