Chapter 19

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John's P.O.V.

She's never going to wake up again? Meaning she's practically dead, and that a machine is basically breathing for her. I immediately looked at Katy, whose eyes rolled before her entire body went weak. "Katy!" I yelled, quickly catching her before she fell onto the ground.

"Katy!" I cried as some nurses came and started doing cpr on her, I put my hands onto my head as I was shoved back. This can't be happening, I can't be losing the two most important people in my life just like this!

I know that Katy is fine because it shouldn't be anything serious, but just the fact that she is currently still unconscious is what's killing me. "So doctor, Heather is basically having a machine breathe for her?" I asked.

"Yes, the machine is also beating her heart for her since she is too weak to do that by herself." He said, "So...she's just going to stay like this forever?" I asked, I could feel tears forming in my eyes.

"That is what I needed to talk to you and Ms. Perry about, you can have the choice of letting the monitor beat for her heart forever, but as her doctor, I strongly recommend that after bidding your goodbyes, you let her go, end this suffering for her."

My jaw started clenching as Tamra pulled me back and talked to the doctor, I was now currently facing a wall. I wanted to punch it so badly, but I had to control my anger.

My daughter is basically dead, my girlfriend is unconscious, and my career is now going down because of all the concerts I had to cancel just to get here. What kind of a man am I, the type that can't even protect his own family from harm.

As I faced the wall, reality slowly started to crash down onto me. I might lose my entire family just like this, yet there is nothing I am able to do. I promised that I would protect Katy if she gave me another chance, which she did, but I am breaking that promise.

"Mr. Mayer, Katy has woken up and is requesting to see you." I let out a huge breath before running after him, thank goodness at least one of my girls is okay for now.

The moment I entered the room, Katy started crying. I immediately rushed to her side and wrapped my arms around her as she buried her face into my jacket, I could feel her body trembling as she continued crying. Watching the love of my life slowly losing it is not exactly what I had hoped to do.

"Katy..." I didn't even know what to say to make her feel better at this point, because I couldn't even comfort herself. Shannon is currently trying to find a way to tell our families, because I'm pretty sure that both Katy and I will not be able to do it ourselves.

My only child, is gone, just like that. The door opened revealing a teenage boy, who the hell is he? Katy stopped crying when she saw him, "Ms. Perry I am so sorry about Heather." I've never seen Katy look so mad before in her entire life, not even when I broke her heart, and not even when Katy had to leave Heather and I to go to LA.

I let out a little cry because her grasp on my hand was getting really strong, "Because of you, I have lost my only daughter, I don't care how big of an accident it was, how stupid were you to bring a real sword to a fucking film? I'm going to make your life hell because you took away the one thing that was most important to me." Katy spoke, tears were flowing down her cheeks the entire time.

"Ms. Perry I know everything is terrible right now, but I promise I will find a way to fix everything." He said, I might just leave this one to Katy, I know I should butt in but I feel like I would be in trouble as well.

"No, she's dead already, a machine is breathing for her, and even if she were to suddenly be alive again, you still made her go through all of this, you still killed my daughter and you're going to pay for it, trust me." She spat.

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