Chapter 18

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Author's note: Thanks so much for hitting that 400 mark, I'm soo happy! So I'm decided to update earlier, thank you so much for all the support you've given me, love you guys so much!!

Katy's P.O.V.

"Katheryn, turn your stupid alarm off before I hurt you!" I heard Tamra yell, we are doing some rehearsing today before flying out to Hong Kong tomorrow, which means another day of waking up early.

I tried looking for my phone but when I couldn't find it after a few seconds of looking, I gave up and decided to go and brush my teeth, screw the alarm, it'll eventually stop by itself. "Katy hurry up, the car is already here." Bradford said, knocking on the door, I let out a groan before putting some lotion on my face and heading to the lobby with him.

When we arrived at the arena, we immediately started rehearsing, I don't understand why, I mean, I know all the dance moves and everything already, and plus, I just did a show yesterday, why more rehearsing today?

After five gruesome hours of rehearsing, I approached Tamra, "Tam, have you seen my phone? I couldn't find it this morning, but I have this weird feeling that something happened and I need to check it." I said, maybe I'm just being paranoid?

"Okay, well you're almost done here in two more hours and then we can go back to the hotel and try to find it." I nodded before pulling my hair up into a messy bun and continuing to run around the stage.

Sofia's P.O.V.

My eyes were tired from crying and my cheeks were stained with dry tears, I know Heather isn't exactly my daughter but she is like a daughter to me, I afterall did watch her grow up.

I've been calling Katy ever since the accident happened but she hasn't been answering, she hasn't read any of my texts either, I almost wonder if she's okay as well. But for right now, I have to focus on Heather.

Tim came running into the waiting room and I stood up, giving him a huge hug. "Oh Sofia, how's Heather doing?" He asked as I just continued crying, "I am going to fucking sue Matt for making her go through this." I cried, "They were filming for their project with an actual sword and he was swinging it around and he let it go, guess where the sword ended up? Through Heather's STOMACH!" I screamed.

Oh God, what are Katy and John going to think?

Katy's P.O.V.

After arriving back at the hotel, I decided to push everything off and search for my phone, I literally had my entire crew doing that. Maybe I'm just being a worried mom but I feel like something bad happened to Heather, or it's just that I promised to call her today and I haven't and it's the guilt that's getting me.

After another half an hour of searching, Tamra finally found it in one of the drawers of my makeup counters. How the hell did it get in there? "Thanks Tam." I said, if I lost my phone that would have been so bad.

My eyes widened as I saw 156 missed calls from Sofia and 220 texts, I know I'm famous and all but I've never had that many missed calls nor texts from a single person. I opened my messages and read:


Why are you not picking up your phone?


I really need you to answer me, this is really important!

I stopped reading and decided to call her, she almost immediately picked up, it sounded like she was crying:

K: Hey Sofia, I'm sorry I didn't see your messages, I lost my phone until now, what's wrong?

S: Heather was filming with her classmates for the project, and they used a real sword, the guy accidentally let go of the sword and it flew right into Heather's stomach. Now we're in the hospital and she's still in surgery, she's been in surgery for almost five hours now, I'm so sorry...

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