Chapter 37

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Author's note: WARNING: There is going to be a bit of R rated scenes in here, for anyone who does not want to read it, stop at the ***, and keep scrolling until you see the *** again, that's the ending of the scene.

Katy's P.O.V.

"Shannon what the hell are you doing here?" I asked, I didn't have any energy left to deal with her right now. "I'm here because I need to get some facts into that head of years, which clearly isn't working right now." She snapped while standing in front of me.

"Let me guess, Heather called you?" I asked, "Yeah, she told me her side of the story, but as your best friend, I want to hear your side. She was honest with me, and I want you to be honest with me as well, otherwise I can't give the two of you any advice." She said.

"Kate, I'll be in the kitchen if you need me." John said as I nodded, he gave me a quick kiss on the forehead before leaving the room. "Kate, what's the real reason you want a baby now, and so badly that you're willing to put your relationship with Heather at risk?" She asked.

"No matter how much I try to be a good mom, I won't be able to anymore for Heather. I gave birth to her, but using her terminology, I threw her away, and now I'm just a stranger to her, our relationship will never be fixed no matter how much we both want it to. She grew up with Sofia, she sees Sofia as a mom, not me." I said sadly.

"Heather is going to be leaving for college in just three years, I don't want to be alone anymore, Shannon, I've been alone for too long. I know I have John, but it's not the same feeling as a child. I screwed up with Heather, having this baby will make me feel better."

"And what about Heather's feelings? She's really trying, Kate, and I know you are too, you guys were doing so well before today, what happened?" She asked as I rubbed my temples, "Shannon, she told me, that the only reason she agreed to go to that concert of mine and meet me, was because of Sofia, she was doing it for Sofia, not because she wanted to see me."

"This has nothing to do with Sofia, I still don't understand why you're rushing to have a child Katy!" She said, her voice growing a bit louder. Tears started forming in my eyes as I stood up and grabbed her shoulders.

"You cannot tell John about this, promise me." I said, as she nodded. I sucked in a deep breath, "I only have a few more eggs left, I'm going into early menopause." Her eyes widened, "I don't know how much longer I have before menopause hits me, and when it does, I won't ever be able to carry another child in me."

She gasped a little, "Kate, I'm so sorry, I had no idea." She said sadly, "It's okay, you didn't know, but that's the main reason why I'm rushing this baby, and also because John and I both aren't going to be touring for quite a while."

"Why are you hiding this from John and Heather, and when did you find out?" She asked, "I found out just a few days ago, in the hospital in Bangladesh. The food poisoning did damage to my eggs and uterus, the doctor there just told me, and ever since then, I've kept it to myself."

"And I didn't tell John because I don't want to worry him, and Heather has enough to deal with right now. So the best option is even if Heather is mad at me, to have this baby as soon as I can."

"John has to know about this, you're his wife, what can't you tell him?" She said, "Because Shannon, I just can't." If I tell John about this, he might link it to the food poisoning and he might find out what really happened that night.

"Fine, but thanks for sharing it with me, and I'll keep my promise." I nodded and hugged her, "Thanks for always being there for me, Shan, I love you so much." I said as a single tear traveled down my cheek.

An hour later...

I've been laying on my bed for the past ten minutes, just staring up into the ceiling. "Katy?" I jumped a little as my eyes finally focused on John's, who was kneeling down next to my side of the bed.

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