Chapter 14

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Katy's P.O.V.

That was honestly so weird, I've never seen Heather so upset like this before, not even when she found out that I was her mother. But she's probably just tired from all the dancing, I completely understand that feeling, so I shrugged it off.

"Well now that Heather isn't coming with us, why don't I take you to a place that has alcohol?" He asked, "No sorry, Tamra has forbidden me to not drink anything, tour does start very soon, don't want to risk anything." I laughed, "Are you sure, this place has the best drinks ever."

"Yeah, I'm really sorry, anywhere else though would be fine." He nodded and we walked out to my car, I should probably check up on Heather to see if she got back safely. "I'm going to call Heather to see if she's back in the hotel, here, you can drive." I said, handing him the keys:

H: What.

K: Hello to you too, just wanted to check in, are you back at the hotel?

H: Yes.

K: Alrighty, are you sure you don't want to come with us? It'll be super fun!

H: Yes

K: Sweetie, why these one word answers?

H: ...

K: Heather!

H: What.

K: Answer me.

H: ...

K: Fine, you leave me no choice, I will deal with you when I get back, until then, don't leave the hotel and actually eat something for a change, hello? Heather??

She hung up on me, okay I'm sensing that this is something more than just she's tired. "Johnny, I'm really sorry about this, but can you take me back to the hotel? I think something's wrong with Heather, we can have dinner there, alright?"

"Yeah, of course, I do hope that she's alright." He replied, what a very caring man.

Heather's P.O.V.

I was in tears once I saw Shannon's face on the screen, I made sure to text her beforehand and tell her to go somewhere where dad won't be able to hear our conversation. She was weirded out, but did as told.

S: Hi, aww why are you crying? Are you okay? Is it because you miss me, it's alright to have that feeling, Katy goes through it ALL the time.

H: No I'm not Shannon, I feel like I'm losing my mom and I don't know what to do about.

S: Wow, what do you mean by losing her? Please don't tell me she's dying, I can't deal with that right now.

H: No she's not dying you idiot, she's talking to this guy named Johnny, who's my basically director, more and more each day. And they've been having dinner, and that's what they're doing now. She didn't even ask how I was feeling, she just went off with him, that's why he made us stay an extra two days.

S: Wow, no wonder you didn't want John to hear about this. Um HELLO, aren't you supposed to be doing something to stop them?

H: That's why I need your help, can you fly out here?

S: WHAT?? You want me to fly there without your dad, how the hell am I supposed to make up an excuse?

H: You're Shannon Woodward, I'm sure you'll be fine, please Shanny, I need you to come here right now.

S: Ugh, okay fine, I'll be there in like three hours tops alright, just hang in there sweetheart.

H: Thank you so much, I'll text you the address of the hotel and room number, see you soon!

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