Chapter 31

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Katy's P.O.V.

"Um, is there anything that I can get you, some water or tea?" I asked, he just shook his head and motioned for me to sit down, which I slowly did. "I'm sorry to come this late at night, but there's something I need to talk to you about, and maybe you can talk John out of doing this."

I raised an eyebrow, telling him to continue. "John moved his concert in Bangladesh forward to next week, the week of the planned and rumored attack, because he doesn't want anything to happen to the people that had bought tickets. If he were to perform after the attack, who knows how many people will be dead, and among some of those people may have wanted to see John and never got that opportunity."

I stood up a little bit too quickly, the blood drained from my brain, causing me to feel a bit dizzy. John can't do this, he might get hurt. "You're his manager, cancel the thing!" I yelled, "Technically he's still my boss, but you're his wife, I know he'll listen to you." I just shook my head and started pacing around the room.

"He's stubborn when it comes to things like these, he's not going to give up, especially when it comes to his fans." I put my hand over my heart since it was beating way too fast now.

"I'll see what I can do, but if this doesn't work, then I'm going to go to Bangladesh with him." Now it was his turn to be surprised, "Okay, having one popstar in danger is stressful enough, I don't need Katy Perry to also be in danger as well."

"He's my husband! We've been through so much together, I'm not going to back done now just cause of a rumored attack that might not even happen!" I yelled back, "I can't let you put yourself in danger, you will not go." He yelled.

"You aren't my boss, I'm my own boss, you will not tell me what to do. Me being with him may not do much, but if we die, at least we'll die together." I said quietly, "Troy, thanks for letting us know, let me talk to Katy please." Shannon said as he nodded and headed for the door. How could John do something like this? This is basically a suicide mission.

After Shannon and I talked for a while, I was a bit more calm, but I made her have her phone on her 24/7 in case anything happened. After she left, John and Heather came home but Heather went to bed because she was so tired, leaving just me and John in the living room.

The thought of him being hurt in any way killed me, I slowly got up from the couch and walked towards him. He looked really guilty, but this time, I actually knew why.

I slowly wrapped my arms around his waist and rested my head on his chest. He then wrapped his arms around my waist, pulling me so close I was afraid I might suffocate.

"Katy..." He whispered into my hair, I didn't respond, I still can't imagine losing him. That's when a tear finally fell down my cheek, "John, why are you doing this? Do you know how much danger you are putting yourself in?" I said, looking into his eyes.

"How did you find out?" He asked, "Your manager and everyone is so worried about you, John, and I can't bear the fact that I might lose you. After everything we've been through, how could you?" I said so quietly I couldn't even hear myself.

"I really don't want to do this either, honey, but I can't let anyone down." I just sighed and closed my eyes, I knew this feeling, because I too, am a popstar. Which is one of the main reasons why I'm not yelling or mad at him, because if I was in this situation, I would have done the exact same.

"I've already called your manager, he's saving me a seat on your private jet. I'm coming with you." I felt his grip suddenly get a lot tighter on my waist, causing me to groan a little. "WHAT??" He yelled.

"Babe, we're in this together, did you really think I would let you basically go into an arena that might be your last? Honey, if anything happens, I want to be with you." I said, "Katy, you might get hurt and that is not going to happen on my watch, you're not going." He said, before grabbing his phone.

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