Chapter 5

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Heather's P.O.V.

Once Shannon and I stepped out of the limo and into the arena, Tamra and Bradford immediately ran towards us. "Thank goodness you guys are okay, I can't believe Katy left without telling us, where is she?" Tamra said, "She should be here soon, she's with John." Shannon replied.

24 hours, and I've already caused them so much trouble, isn't this going to be fun. Just then, Riley called me:

H: Hey Riley, what's up?

R: What happened, you're living with your parents now?

H: Wow word travels fast, and yes. We all think that now is the right time for me to start living with them again, even though my mom is quite busy but I mean, everything'll work out hopefully.

R: I'm so happy for you!

H: Thanks, so I'm guessing you also saw the whole sushi thingy?

R: Yeah, the paparazzi are so fast at things, that and it was streaming live so...

H: Wow, anyways, how's your movie going?

R: Not bad, we just finished filming another scene, this movie isn't going to be as big as Harry Potter but I mean, it'll be okay.

H: That's great, oh my mom and dad just got into the arena, I'll call you later okay?

R: Yeah no problem, bye!

H: Bye.

I put my phone down as I watched Bradford and the others try to shove the paparazzi outside, "Heather, grab your stuff, we are heading back to the hotel now." Dad said as everyone started moving, "Listen up everyone, Katy, John, Shannon and Heather will take the first limo to the hotel, everyone else will follow, now get going!" Brad yelled.

Mom grabbed me and we started speed walking towards the back door, "Mom, why are you still wearing your costume?" She groaned, "Ugh I forgot about it, it's fine, I'll let Johnny know later."

When we arrived at the hotel, I let out a huge scream, startling everyone. "Heather what's wrong!" Mom yelled, I continued screaming as I opened the door and hopped out of the limo, "HEATHER!!" I heard mom scream, boy was I gonna get in a lot of trouble after this but who cares.

The flashes started going crazy as I ran into the arms of my boyfriend, what the heck is he doing here? "Oh my gosh Riley wow, what a surprise!" I said as he laughed, that's when my three parents approached me, none of them looked too happy, especially dad.


Mom was on fire, Shannon looked like a monkey slapped her, and dad looked like an overprotective dad who made it his mission to break Riley and I up. Surprisingly, it was Shannon who walked towards me, laughing nervously she said, "Haha Heather, you can't just go around hugging fans like that and jumping out of a car again haha." She said loudly on purpose.

"But he's not..." She quickly threw a hand around my mouth and whispered, "I'm trying to save your ass here so shut it, can't you see how pissed off your parents look?" Then she smiled to the paparazzi, who were going crazy, "Now let's call it a night everyone and get back into the hotel, goodbye...person." She said towards Riley.

I was dragged into the hotel by Shannon, and once we were inside, mom broke. "Heather, do you want to be motherless??" She yelled, what the heck? "Jumping out of a moving car once today wasn't enough, you had to do it again right in front of the paparazzi? And who the heck was that, don't you dare say boyfriend, you're only 13!" She screamed, dad didn't even try to calm her down this time.

"But he is my boyfriend." I said quietly, "And I'm not ashamed to admit it." I said, "But I am, you're 13, you're still my baby that I never got to watch grow up, so stop growing up and you're going to not talk to him ever again." Mom snapped before walking away.

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